KNXIP tunneling error
trying to connect to knx system to program devices, I have this error:
"The connection to the KnxIpTunneling: RED - ***.***.***.***:3671 bus of line 1.7 New line could not be established.
The interface is not reachable."
any idea what could be wrong with the bOS setup?? thanks in advance.
details for the error are:
Knx.Bus.Common.Exceptions.ConnectorException: No ConnectResponse received
en ail.a(ConnectorMode A_0, ag2 A_1, CancellationToken A_2)
en ail.d.c(CancellationToken A_0)
en af9.c.c()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
en System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
en af9.a(ag2 A_0, Action`1 A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.a(ConnectionTypes A_0, ConnectorMode A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.hj(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0, Boolean& A_1)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.q()
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorParameters A_0)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__0(FalconOpenParameters openParams)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.CallFalconMethodWithOpenParametersAndRetryWithMacIfPossible(Action`1 action, FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.GetLocalSettings(FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckForShowInterfaceSettings(Project project, KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, ConnectionContainer container)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckLocalInterfaceSettings(KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, Device device)
Room Thermostat KNX
Hi to everyone I am trying to make a room KNX thermostat visualization by using bOS. What I need to do is to control a fancoil and an underfloor heating /cooling valve as main system . First I want to have On/Off for the system. Second I need to turn the fan coil fans speed to automatic , and to manual mode if needed. Also If the the fan mode is to manual I want to control this in steps like fan 1 , fan 2, and fan 3 and back again to 0. Another thing I want to see every time the room's temperature. Also I want of course to change the setpoint of the room thermostat. From the visualization program I want to have Heating / Cooling to be changed (I noticed when I am changing the status from ETS from Cooling to heating mode the icon is changing the opposite I don't know why is this happening). I forgot to mentioned that when the setpoint is changing I want also the setpointing temperature changes to appear of course in the visualization program. Also I want o have the valve of the underfloor heating/cooling to be turn On or Off when the appropriate temperature is set (and see the status of course ) . Last but not least is the 3 modes I Comfort , Away , Night that I want to insert it to the visualization program. I tried to insert at the beginning the Room's temperature and it doesn't show me the correct number. Should I have to change it to another format or sometthing?
Lighting Scene and time schedules
Hi to everyone. I have to find a solution as soon as possible regarding a new project with KNX system. We have an analog (not a KNX ) LUX meter from ABB which sends an On command when the external lighting is low . This command is going to a digital input and this input sends the command to the KNX ouput device to turn On the lights. What we need is that when the digital input send the command we want to enable a scene /time schedule that all the lights are going to be dimmed for example to 70% , from 8pm to 10pm, after 10pm the lighting must go automatically to 40% from 10pm to 12pm. From 12 am and when the digital input send the command to turn Off the lights the lights must be dimmed to 20%. Any ideas on how I can create this kind of scene/ time schedule? Thank you in advance.
Jigsaw KNX
Hi there, I have Jigsaw installed and connected to KNX bus.
But since then whenever I try to set new KNX devices in ETS, I get error message "More than one device is in programming mode". I have to shutdown Jigsaw to assign an address to new KNX device.
Do I have to do some additional setup steps to connect Jigsaw to KNX, I guess it has to be something with Jigsaw being in programming mode?
Thank you for your help, Regards
Dimmer relative, down button can't be used
I added a dimmer switch (3.007 Control Dimming) in my project, and I can't use on the down button control.
After I edit the button it switch to the up control. Even in the dimmer template is the same issue.
Is this a bug ? It can be fixed ?
2 weeks ago I have done my setup with Alexa. All works fine.
Today the Light turned on without any command.
I'm wondering if there are any security breaches with the Alexa echo.
Any hints?
How to send MinMaxAvg to bus
I would like to send an avg value (from the tast MinMaxAvg) of 3 values to the bus as a status (1byte).
Have anyone an idea how to do that?
Thanks ans best regards.
Simple KNX short Long operations
for example the shades up/down/step command so the shades keep moving up or down until end or stop command. Can it really on via a program?
Error connecting to device. BusConnectionStatus.Broken
See related :
KNX falcon disconnecting every 3-5 minutes on average. Had the problem before (a few times per 24hrs). Now problem is worse.
After upgrading to version 4.6.1 I now get a more detailed error message that reads as follow : “Error connecting to device. BusConnectionStatus.Broken”.
I’m on Minix Windows 10, with a Weinzierl BAOS 771.
KNX import of 2-stage group adress
Are there any way to imprt 2-stage group adresses? I cant gety this to work unless I change the ETS project to 3-stage but the I get a lot of middle groups with the name: "new middle group" and it takes forever to revers this i bOS config.
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