Recently updated feedback 1,155


Writing time to knx address

Bor Buh yesterday at 4:40 p.m. in Devices / KNX 0

From shelly, to knx

Alexandru Dumbrava yesterday at 4:50 a.m. in bOS Configurator updated yesterday at 6:52 a.m. 1

ETS Failed to read device description

Bor Buh 3 weeks ago in Devices / KNX updated by Bor Buh 2 days ago 2
Under review

The sensibo integration is not allways working

Joaquim Matos 3 months ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 3 days ago 7

Homekit shutter tilt angle

Fabien Fuster 3 weeks ago in bOS Configurator updated 3 weeks ago 0

HomeKit - Window Shutter

Duarte Saraiva 1 year ago in Devices / Other updated by Fabien Fuster 3 weeks ago 2