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Frontend design (printscreen sharing)

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Tasos Tsimpogiannis 1 year ago 29

Hello everyone,

I'm always curious about the templates from bOS users. I think it would be a cool idea to share some printscreens.

Sharing is good! All of us can learn and share. No need to share all the menus, just a quick view. So here it goes my home template:

Image 1315

Under review

SVG image file creation

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by ComfortClick ComfortClick 2 years ago 17


I'm using some own icons or adapted ones in PNG, but I'm having some problems with SVG files.

I've tried to create an SVG icon on Corel Draw, and saved it in SVG format. I don't know the size to use, and as a vector file I've saved as it is.

When using it on bOS, either it doesn't show, or it shows huge, depending on the size. I sized down a little bit the icon and saved it again, but it's still very big or it shows in gray. Do I need to create a white and a black version, like the originals (normal and inverted color)?

Can you get me some sort of template, or any guidance to create the SVG files? I'm using PNG but I would prefer to use vector files. With preference for any guidance on how to create the normal and inverted SVG (I can invert the colors, but don't know how to gather them in a "readable" format for bOS).



Themes unlock pin changeable by user

I have a menu that is secured with the theme unlock pin. However, I would like to be able to change it without having to get into the BOS Configurator. Is it possible? 

If not, is there any other way to protect some info with a PIN/Paswword that I can change from the App? 



Scene Sliders and gauges

Andy Gill 8 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes 0

HI Gents,

Is there any possibility of having slider type graphic for value adjustments, and a gauge graphic for readings?

Under review

confirmation dialog - formatting of text

Bert Porter 3 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Daryl Lim Ming Yen 5 days ago 7

Is it possible to customize the formatting of text in a Confirmation Dialog Box? Is it possible to customize the size of the Confirmation Dialog Box? 

It is good feature - especially the ability to add a pin code.


But its presentation could be better. See my screen shot.

Thank you.

Confirmation Dialog Box.png

Under review

Status value collection

Guillem Morey 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated 7 years ago 8

I have an issue with this property, if I use integer value it works correctelly, but if I use a double float just works "EqualorGreater" and "EqualorLess" but not "equal".

Any idea?



Change graph axis properties

Raymond Olsen 5 months ago in bOS Configurator / Themes 0

How do I change the axis format? The x axis is supposed to show the time. For instance 3 instead of 0,003. The y axis is supposed to show on/off.

Image 5093

Under review

Files are empty Error

Gábor Takács 9 months ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated 8 months ago 4

Dear all,

I've not an expert user of bOS. I've started to configure a new Jigsaw controller which was bought half a year ago and never turned on till now. After the first connection wit configurator I had to downgrade the configurator to connect to it. I've installed all of the updates version to version to reach the currect release. Everything seems to be good, but nothing in the files are appear on the screen. I cant open even an image file, or a sound file.

If I put a control to a panel I can't see the icon belngs to the control. When I try to download an SVG file from the Files folder I receive a 0 Byte long file even I try to download any of the files.

I've tried to reinstall the server release, the client, the configurator but the result is the same.

What do I wrong?

Thank you!


My icon takes up to much space

Raymond Olsen 1 year ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago 5

My on/off lightbulb icon takes up all the space in the object. I would like to have some space around it. It is a svg-file. Should I save the file with different attributes, or can I change something in BOS Configurator? Any ideas? 


Background picture not displayed

LAVERGNE CHRISTOPHE 1 year ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago 7

Good morning,

I have an issue.

This is my tree in Bos Configurator

Image 4664

For each panel I have a background image in jpg.

Images are well displayed for floor "sous sol", and "RDC", but not for other floors. However resolution and image type are the same.

I send 2 examples, first one ok, second one not ok

Image 4665

Image 4666

Thanks for help