Under review

confirmation dialog - formatting of text

Bert Porter 3 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by ComfortClick Support 3 days ago 6

Is it possible to customize the formatting of text in a Confirmation Dialog Box? Is it possible to customize the size of the Confirmation Dialog Box? 

It is good feature - especially the ability to add a pin code.


But its presentation could be better. See my screen shot.

Thank you.

Confirmation Dialog Box.png

Under review


unfortunately this is not possible.

Best regards

I would like to submit this as a feature enhancement request. It's a great feature concept but the implementation could be so much better.


May I check whether there's any plan to resize the confirmation dialog box? My client has feedback that the dialog box is too big... Thanks 

Nowadays, the design and overall look of the UI is very important, especially when the client pays a lot of money for bOS.

You have to improve this and many other little things.


in the current/next version (4.12) we're doing major overhaul of the whole look and UI of the client, buttons, options, customizations and much more.

I'll try and suggest adding scale option for these conformation pop ups to be added as well.

Best regards.