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Under review

Is Google assistant on the roadmap of Comfortclick?

Fred Hartman 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Benjamin H Najarian 4 years ago 56

Will the google assistant being supported by comfort click?



API call with oauth1 authorization

Pascal Platteel 5 years ago in Devices / Http updated by Kay Heiligenhaus 7 months ago 1

When will Comfortclick support API calls with OAuth1 or OAuth2 authorization? More and more Providers require this kind of authorization.


smatr TV

imperialbms 7 years ago in Devices / Basic 0

Has anyone tried to link confortclick with samsung tv? What communication parameters do you use?

Under review

mqtt Integration

Miguel Paredes 4 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Martin Schär 3 years ago 4

any plans on adding MQTT to comfortclick?

Under review

Blinking HUE lights (new feature for your projects)

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago in Devices / HUE updated 4 years ago 7

Hello everyone,

If you're kind of like me, you'll never be satisfied with the basic implementations of your systems.

So today, I've decided to explore the Philips HUE official API.

I know that bOS has already implemented HUE control, but I wanted to use some cool features that are kind of hidden on normal apps: blinking lights!

The purpose of this implementation, is using Philips HUE blinking lights for multi purposes, like blinking when someone rings the door, etc.

You can rely on IFTTT to do that, using the WebHooks, but if you're like me, prefer to keep the most on local network and don't depend on external services.

In this example, what you'll get:

- Access Philips HUE API to create a username key

- Extract the username key

- Create a HTTP device on bOS

- Create a command to send the blinking command to Philips HUE hub

Suggestions: access your Philips HUE app, disable DHCP, and place a fixed IP address on your network so you can point to the correct IP address every time.

Step 1:

- Access the Philips HUE IP address


- Create a username key

URL: /api

Message Body: {"devicetype":"comfortclick#dev"}

Click on the hub link button (the top round button on the hub with Philips written on it)

Click on POST

- Extract the username:

Copy the given username to a safe place, you'll need it for every command.

On my implementation, I want to blink all the lights on a specific light group, so I'll fetch the group number.

Step 2:

- Get the group ID's

URL: https://hub_address/api/your_username/groups

Message Body: leave the message body empty

Click on GET

In my case, the light group I want is ID 1

- Test the communication

URL: https://hub_address/api/your_username/groups/1/action

Message Body: {"alert": "select"}

Click on PUT

If it blinks once, perfect. Now you're ready to move to bOS.

There's two available commands for blinking: just once, or several. Depending on what you want, you'll have to change the Message Body for the correct code:

{"alert": "select"} will cause a short blink
{"alert": "lselect"} will cause several seconds of blinking

If you need to blink several times, you'll need to use {"alert": "lselect"} on the Message Body.

Step 3:

- Create HTTP device on BOS

Enable the HTTP device

Host URL: https://hub_address/api/your_username/groups/1/action

Create a Command, call it "Blink HUE"

Change the command method type to PUT

On Put Data, insert: {"alert": "lselect"}

That's it! Use the command as you want on your project.

On my case, I have the hue blinking when someone rings at my door.

If you want to explore other possibilites, please read the Philips HUE API, available for free. You can do the same on single lights, etc.

I'll post the example on the Examples Page of Comfortclick.

Btw, don't forget to at least say thanks! Most of us here, are either professionals or simple home users. I notice that most of the times someone posts something interesting, no one really cares. So don't just use the examples and don't pretend that you don't care. A simple "Thanks" is more than enough. Don't forget that every example posted here is not paid, it mostly depends on the time and patience of some members.

Happy easter.

Best regards

Under review

Frontend design (printscreen sharing)

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 6 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by Tasos Tsimpogiannis 10 months ago 29

Hello everyone,

I'm always curious about the templates from bOS users. I think it would be a cool idea to share some printscreens.

Sharing is good! All of us can learn and share. No need to share all the menus, just a quick view. So here it goes my home template:

Image 1315

Under review

we need the option to change a font. when will you have it?

DiLight-Smart Solution Ltd DiL 6 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 1

we need the option to change a font. when will you have it?

Under review

SVG image file creation

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Themes updated by ComfortClick ComfortClick 12 months ago 17


I'm using some own icons or adapted ones in PNG, but I'm having some problems with SVG files.

I've tried to create an SVG icon on Corel Draw, and saved it in SVG format. I don't know the size to use, and as a vector file I've saved as it is.

When using it on bOS, either it doesn't show, or it shows huge, depending on the size. I sized down a little bit the icon and saved it again, but it's still very big or it shows in gray. Do I need to create a white and a black version, like the originals (normal and inverted color)?

Can you get me some sort of template, or any guidance to create the SVG files? I'm using PNG but I would prefer to use vector files. With preference for any guidance on how to create the normal and inverted SVG (I can invert the colors, but don't know how to gather them in a "readable" format for bOS).



NetAtmo weather station and Welcome integration

Rait Lotamõis 7 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick ComfortClick 3 years ago 22

I'm so happy about getting my NetAtmo integration working, that I wanted to share it with the rest of you people.

This is the device itself

All you need to do is enter the values for strings in the "Settings" section of the device, and you will immediately get the values from one indoor and one outdoor module (which is the typical starter package setup.)  If you have more stations and/or modules then you can easily access them by just duplicating the existing values under the "Weather Station" query and changing the instance number in their "Token name." 

For example: default indoor temperature value = body.devices[0].dashboard_data.Temperature

indoor temperature value for next weather station = body.devices[1].dashboard_data.Temperature

and for modules:

temperature of first module of first station = body.devices[0].modules[0].dashboard_data.Temperature

secondary module of first station = body.devices[0].modules[1].dashboard_data.Temperature

I've also included a WIP section for the NetAtmo Welcome camera. I have yet to figure out how to track persons per name, since their position in the table is always changing.


Thermostat Hysteresis as a value to enable changes

Hello! Several of my clients ask me to be able to change the hysteresis of their thermostats.

Could be possible to add this parameter to the changeable values by users?

Meanwhile, I have to  make thermostats by calculations and programs, just to give them this feature.

Thank you!