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Thermostat Hysteresis as a value to enable changes

Hello! Several of my clients ask me to be able to change the hysteresis of their thermostats.

Could be possible to add this parameter to the changeable values by users?

Meanwhile, I have to  make thermostats by calculations and programs, just to give them this feature.

Thank you!


Counter Log - Help with kWh calculation

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 5 years ago 24

Hi people,

May I ask a little help about counter log?

I have a power sensor on an electric board. On ETS, I get an Instantaneous Power object (2 bytes), which comes in kW format. Like, if the house is consuming 1200W, I get 1,2 value on ETS, if it's consuming 250W, I get 0,25 value, and so on. I have the correct instant values showing on visualization.

I've tried to create counter logs, to get an approximate daily consumption, etc. The problem is that the values on the counter log don't make any sense.

For example, if the house is consuming constant 250W during 24hour, I should get 6 kWh by the end of the day, but the values don't make sense. On one day, it showed something like 138kWh on one day, which is impossible. I deleted all data now.

Either I'm configuring all wrong the counter log, or there's something I'm missing.

Thanks for any help


play sound How do I play a sound

Andy Gill 9 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks 0


Could someone explain how I play a sound based on a program or an event? Ideally through a client but failing that through the server?

I would like to play a warning sound should a condition not be met when the user is changing a mode.



Idea for comment line into a program

Gruyère Energie SA 3 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 3 years ago 2

I think that to have the possibility of comment a line or section and add comments into a program might be really good. For development of task for example or other reasons.


Condition using user rights


Is it possible to build a program based on the user rights condition?

The topic concerns air conditioning in the office. AC control is available from the KNX wall thermostats and from the visualization. Administrator has the option to lock thermostat on the wall to prevent office staff from changing some AC functions. At the same time, the same functions are available on the visualization for both regular users and the administrator.

My point is to block the execution of program (linked to the button on the visualization and KNX thermostat) by regular users, and allow execution only by users with administrator rights, without need to duplicate the button and program linked to it. I would like to include two conditions in the program that determine the ability to run the program.

Something like this:
If <thermostat> = blocked
     If <user_rights> = administrator
     Else <user_rights> = user



logic "ID" 2BF

I need to be able to perform an "ID" with a 20ºC value of 2BF. How can I do it

Switch on a scene using movement detector task

Simen Hagen 2 months ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 months ago 1

Hi, I tried to use the movement detector task to trigger a scene. The status of the scene updates to ON when the movement detector value is true, but not the actual brightness values of the lights implemented in the scene. Is there a feedback that needs to programmed?

Also I use a KNX switch to actuate the same scene, KNX switch sends a 1byte telegram to trigger the scene, the scene contains both 1byte ''brightness values'' and 1bit ''switching'' group adresses for lights. This works fine.

 What is the best way to integrate a movement detector? I want the scene to work both from the KNX switch and the KNX movement detector.




Conter Log calculations

Simen Hagen 1 year ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks 0

Hi, I wonder if there is a bug or delay or something in calculating the values with Conter Log. Why is ¨This month count'' showing 140,7 when ''Previous Month count'' and ''Total Value'' is 161,7 and 17,7?

161,7 - 17,7 = 144, not 140,7

If I use the last value in the Log which is 160,8 or the value at 23:00 it doesn't make sense either. 

Or am i missing something here?

Image 4813

Image 4816

Image 4817

Image 4819


Send message 15 minutes before schedule action

Sem Craeghs 1 year ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago 2


Let's say that I would like to send a push message to the user 15 minutes before a schedule comes active:

The schedule will power off a device and I would like to inform the user, so he's able to disable the schedule if necessary.

How can I achieve this? I cannot find any way...


Schedule - yearly events

Joost vB 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 2 years ago 4

Our property comes with floor heating and cooling.

For that to function right every spring and fall we need to switch valves to have the right source of heating/cooling water.

I've tried to setup a straigt forward schedule, but I can't find a way to have the schedule switch the valves on a certain date every year. Also I can't seem to find a way for scheduling an event every 6 months.

My work around for now is a 'Program' which runs every day at a certain time to check if it's a certain month and a certain day before switchin the valves.

Would it be an idea to make Schedules have a reoccuring event every n months on a certain day and time?

Would be great!