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Under review

Apple iOS Homekit integration

Paul G 4 years ago in bOS Client updated by Fabien Fuster 9 months ago 21

Hi, Is there any plans to allow integration with Apple HomeKit? It would allow facilitating lots of data that comes from phones without the need for coding (e.g. geofencing, geolocation which is made available through the Home Kit app to other apps, this woudl eb as simple as allowing the app to read the GPS data from the phone, which is not available right now)

Under review

Android Widget

Andrea Pedrotti-Ferrari 7 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 1

Hello to all

Have you planned the possibility to add widget on Android devices? It would be very nice to execute commands directly without lunch each time the client. 

Thank you and kind regards 



disable error messages in the administrator account

Pablo Lopez 11 months ago in bOS Client updated 11 months ago 2


Is there any way to disable error alerts in the administrator account?

It's all very well to get instant alerts for errors but when there are cyclical and very fast ones, it's really a problem because it covers the whole screen.

I think it would be quite simple to just have an icon that, for example, flashes next to the event icon as a warning. Then to check the error you would only have to look in Events/Log, which is already done.

I hope you think it's a good idea and you implement it quickly ;) because I have integrated some blubox relays and they notify reconnection with the frequency configured in the GET command to know its status (I have it every second). It's crazy.

Thank you very much. Regards



Cant connect from android app anymore

A. R. 2 years ago in bOS Client updated by Sơn Phương Nguyễn 2 years ago 8

Server restart not helps, but erase data/cache helps, then add new connection and work until close app, same on all phones .  Any ideas where can be problem ?

Under review

bOS Client does not work after updating to iOS15

Alberto Gómez Zamora 3 years ago in bOS Client updated by Francois Lesueur 3 years ago 25

After upgrading the iOS version in both iPad and iPhone, bOS client app can't connect to the server.


disconnecting the connection android

Łukasz Klinger 4 years ago in bOS Client 0

Notoriously on the BOS client in android, it happens that the connection on the screens with cameras is broken, whether it is the RTSP itself or the photos on the browser or the Windows client there is no such problem, please correct the errors

Under review

Clear events list

Nicolae Stefan 8 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 3

How can I delete events list?


Image 276

Under review

IOS client not remembering credentials

Adam Zanto 5 months ago in bOS Client updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 3 months ago 5


After recent update of Iphone client (september 2024, ios 18) app is repeatedly asking for password. Then works until next use, sometimes is remebered for an hour and then asking again. 

Same problem occurs on multiple IOS devices, android app works without problems. Bos server running on windows.

Adam Zanto


iOS Client not connecting via Local Address (Manual setup; Public Address OK)

Dieter Kraewinkels 3 years ago in bOS Client updated 3 years ago 2


When on wifi, the iOS Client is not connecting anymore to the "Local Address" (http & https).

Configuration is "Manual".

-> When on 4G, the app is connecting successfully via the "Public Address" (http).

-> When on wifi, I can successfully browse to the IP address set in the "Local Address" (http & https).

The issue started 2-3 days ago...

Below some extra info :

  • iOS App version : 4.8.3
  • iPhone 13 Pro / iOS 15.1.1
  • iPhone 11 Pro / iOS 15.0.2
  • Server version : 4.8.20

Already restarted the server...

Any suggestion ? Something I can test ?

Thank you


Mi tableta de control no funciona

Antonio Emilio Martinez Robled 3 years ago in bOS Client updated by Toni Cuello 3 years ago 1

Buenas a todos.

Tengo un serio problema con mi tableta de control del BOS cliente. Directamente no se conecta, (llevo así un año). Emite  error de conexión continuado. la he reiniciado y tampoco se soluciona. En cambio la aplicación móvil y desde el PC si que funcionan. la empresa que me instaló la domótica en casa "pasa de mi". Qué puedo hacer?