Under review

Apple iOS Homekit integration

Paul G 4 years ago in bOS Client updated by Fabien Fuster 6 months ago 21

Hi, Is there any plans to allow integration with Apple HomeKit? It would allow facilitating lots of data that comes from phones without the need for coding (e.g. geofencing, geolocation which is made available through the Home Kit app to other apps, this woudl eb as simple as allowing the app to read the GPS data from the phone, which is not available right now)

Under review


Apple HomeKit is planned to be released in bOS, the development is well underway, but there's no ETA on the release date yet.

Best regards.

Is there already an ETA on the release date?


unfortunately HomeKit is still under development, due to some changes in our development plan we needed to postpone HomeKit release. We still do not have ETA on the release date. We will keep you posted when there will be any news.

Best regards


Great to hear that, would be good to know when that might happen. You would avoid people buying expensive devices like Thinka which you would offer such functionality straight out of the box. In other words a gateway between KNX and HomeKit and the relevant-similar Google Home..ect.

Hi still no ETA on the release date?

Best Regards

Hello Paulo,

unfortunately we still do not have ETA on the release date yet. We are really sorry for keeping you waiting so long. We will keep you posted when there will be any news.

Best regards, Andraž

Hi still no ETA on the release date?

Best Regards

No ETA yet ?

Best Regards

Hello Rafael,

HomeKit is available in our latest BETA version, so feel free to download it from the configurator and test it out. Additional manuals and instruction guides will be released when the HomeKit becomes available in our next stable version.

Best regards.

Is there any update on the availability of the instruction guides? I have been playing with the Homekit settings since the new update, but I'm stumbling on some errors and wanted to check what I'm doing wrong...



Step by step instructions and video are already done, we’re just polishing the legal work before we can publish them due to Apple’s strict guideline.

Best regards.


Any news about the video?

Best regards 



still sorting out the legal matters for our official publish of the documentation and integration. Hopefully it won't take too long, for now there is no ETA (Apple...). Apologies for the delays.

Best regards.


I am using HomeKit in the API but when I add screens (window covering) they are reversed, is there a way to set the direction? Now up is down and down is up.



we're avare of the issue, the data is being handled a bit different there and its reversed in bOS. It will be fixed in the future update.

Best regards.


Any update about the release?

Best regards,


the issue has been resolved and will be released with our next stable/beta release.

Best regards.


With KNX, I don't get the status for lamps.

They still appears as off, even if the toggle is working we I click on the lamp.

And I confirm that the blind direction are inverted :)

Edit: Afer I close and lanch again the Home App, the status are working now... 
It's weird because I tried 4 times yesterday, and I never had the status working...

However, blind's direction is still inverted.

A new question: is it normal that we can't add several EndPoints?

What is the best way when we want to add new things (lamps, blinds, etc.)?

Thank you :)

Hi All,

Now that Apple HomeKit is integrated and working well, I would like to add some tasks to be triggered by geofencing info. Does someone know how to do it (if possible) ? To be a bit more specific, I don't want to get the scene in HomeKit but in bOS and simply triggered from HomeKit...

Any info to start with will be welcome :-)


once you have set the gate opening command in KNX and in Home Kit, if you use the "Apple Shortcuts app" you can set automation with the position of the iPhone. for example 500 meters from the home position it is activated.

Thanks Enrico.

However, my question was : can we launch a bOS scenes or tasks through geofencing. I want to avoid recreate those in the "shortcut app" and beneficiate from my more complex existing tasks. Any tip for that ?