Under review

IOS client not remembering credentials

Adam Zanto 2 weeks ago in bOS Client updated by DSJ 2 days ago 3


After recent update of Iphone client (september 2024, ios 18) app is repeatedly asking for password. Then works until next use, sometimes is remebered for an hour and then asking again. 

Same problem occurs on multiple IOS devices, android app works without problems. Bos server running on windows.

Adam Zanto


Today I've got a call from a friend, where I installed a Jigsaw and he's having the same issue using iOS device.

Can other iOS users confirm if this is happening please? The only thing that my friend told me, is that he thinks this started to happen after an iOS update.

Can anyone confirm?

Best regards 

Under review

Hello Ricardo,

we did receive a couple of complaints regarding this and we identified the issue and fixed it. Update the bOS Client to the latest version and the problem should be resolved. If the issue persists, please let me know.

Best regards.

Hello Conforclick Support, I am contacting you because something similar has happened to me in my ConfortClick installation. From one day to the next I stopped being able to connect correctly from IOS devices.

The fact is that updating the version of the app. I was able to connect via home wifi but not remotely. Furthermore, I do not have the design file and I would like to receive support to be able to recover the installation design.

Please, I am waiting for your response and would appreciate your maximum help.
