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GC disconnection

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in Devices / Global Caché updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 12


I've got several GC modules on several bOS systems. 

On all of these systems (Grinder, Jigsaw KNX, Jigsaw Z-Wave) the GC gets sometimes disconnected, at random. Sometimes it reconnects in a matter of seconds ; sometimes it doesn't reconnect and the only solution is to disable and then re-enable the device, or to restart bOS. 

1st question : is there any ways to fix that ? 

2nd question : I can make a test before using GC to check if it is connected or not. But then what can I do ? It seems that it is not possible by program to disable a device, or to restart bOS. Is that correct ? Any other solutions ? 




Global Caché disconnection

Francois Lesueur 5 years ago in Devices / Global Caché updated 5 years ago 4


I've got several Global Caché iTach devices. 

I'm getting the following error messages a couple of time every day, at random : 

"Error connecting to device"

"Device is connected"

This is just a 1 minute disconnection, but when this is happening when I want to trigger an IR command, that's a disaster : it's not working, and users get very irritated. 

Any ways to fix this ? 

Please note that I was using before another smart home box, and I didn't have any issues at all with the Global Caché. 

