problems with irrigation task/ max precipitation value
i tried to use your task for irrigation.... no matter with low temperature thresold, while max precipitation thresold doesn't work fine.
Setting the thresold value upper or lower then its input value there is no change of status.
it seems like the input value doesn't update or threre is a failure while reading datalogger values.
For examples if the input value is precipitation last 24 h ( value 2.6 h) thresold becomes false only with 18 h thresold
(no hysteresis is set)

Add abort trigger field for programs
It'd be very useful to have the chance of setting abort triggers for programs, as there are stop triggers in timers.
Thank you very much!!

exporting mbus values
Is it possible to export mbus values to excel or pdf automatically? What i would like to do is: make a program that exports current mbus-modbus tcp values on the first day of the month every month to a excel table.
Has anyone done this?

Counter log won't count after end of hour.
Hello. I have an issue with counter log graph. I set it to log power consuption from KNX. At start it went fine but after end of the hour and start of the next hour I noticed it stop count. So I decide to reboot Jigsaw to maybe fix the issue but after end of another hour it stops again.

Sun related schedules
Is there any options to make Sun related Schedules? I mean, to run a schedule when the sun sets, or rises. I know we have the Sun events, and they can be used in Programs, but our clients uses to configure theirselves the scenes and schedules, because it's very easy for them and comfortable for us, but they can't touch the programs.
They use to ask us for schedules "when the sun sets" or "when the sun rises", but I think we have no way to use Sun events on the schedules.
Do you think it could be interesting to develop as a Parameter of the Time Events on the Schedules? It could give the chance to set the time related to day or night events.
For example, in the time field to set 01:00 (1 hour), and in the parameters set "Before sunset" or "after day time", kind of.. It'd be very interesting.
Maybe there's a way and I just don't know it, I apologize in this case not to know how.
Thank you very much!!
Best regards

Use RCP to change time events on a Schedule task
Let's say I have a Schedule task for a certain object.
Is it possible to set the Time events for that Schedule task using RPC?
The use case for now is not important, I'm just trying to develop an idea with bOS + Tasker (Android).
Best regards

Problems to update the MinMaxAvg task
I'm ussing a MinMaxAvg task with two inputs: a reference temperature that I can uptade in a tablet and the week average temperature obteined from a AnalogLog task.
When the week average temperature from the AnalogLog changes, the MinMaxAvg task is not updated. When I change the reference temp. on screen, then the MinMAxAvg is updated, and also updates changes from the other paràmeter.
That's a new issue... it worked correctly some time ago... ¿¿??

Hi, I need to perform a conversion of a value 1 byte U with a trigger.
For example, when receiving a value of 27 (0 to 255), perform a
conversion to 1 (0 to 255). It would be like making an identity.
As you could do in an example.

Lighting scenes not changing value (true/false)
My lighting scenes seems to be stuck in their respective state. When triggered from visualization and KNX push buttons they behave as expected, but the true/false state does not change. 3 out of 9 scenes are always "false" and the rest is "true"
My heating scenes works without flaws...
Ideas, anyone?
bos-config file for reference

Line break on HTTP Request
I'm using Clickatell SMS API, together with Tasks (Httprequest) to send notifications from Comfortclick system. It's working great, but I'm looking forward to use line breaks in sent text.
Clickatell uses %0a as line break. The problem is that %0 is also used as property values on Comfortclick.
Is there another way to use property values beside %x, or use any kind of delimiter?
Customer support service by UserEcho