Under review

Lighting scenes not changing value (true/false)

Joachim 7 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 7 years ago 3


My lighting scenes seems to be stuck in their respective state. When triggered from visualization and KNX push buttons they behave as expected, but the true/false state does not change. 3 out of 9 scenes are always "false" and the rest is "true"

My heating scenes works without flaws...

Ideas, anyone?

bos-config file for reference

Under review


before checking the config, did you check your configuraton to see if you have any loops? Maybe calling the scene twice and changing the values (select your scene and open Usages tab to see if it is perhaps used multiple times and the values change incorrectly). 



In general my scenes only have one connection in usages, and that is to the control panel. It also have a trigger connected to a KNX pushbutton address for some of them.

At the moment i also have a program that triggers the home and the away scenes based on movement and the current states of the scenes. But i did not have that program at the time of writing my first post.

This is how the value states of my scenes are at the moment. Borte (away) scene is active. But it is not able to turn off most of the other scenes...



could you please provide login credentials of the configuration to david.boben@comfortclick.com and i will try to connect and see what the issue might be.
