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Termostat PID

Wtam, jak ustawiacie parametry PID dla ustawienia z ogrzewania podłodowego bo zauważyłem nieprawidłowość:

przy zadaniu temp np 23stC a temp otoczenia wynosi 22,7stC zadana wartość wynosi 12% w ciągu dnia watość się nie zmienia jeśli temperatura się nie zmieniają, a ostatecznie PID jest dążenie do wartości zadanej wiec po czasie wartosć zaworu powiina się zwiększać aby dogrzać pomieszczenie a tu wartość jak była na sztywno ustawiona wg różnicy temperatur.

Image 2916

Image 2915

czy ktoś mi powie, która pozycja to czas pracy siłonika bo jak zawór wysterowuje wartość 12 to czas jest za którki aby siłownik zdążył się podnieść.


"Restart On Retriger" task

Grzegorz Kulinski 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 4 years ago 11

Hi everyone.

I would like to understand how the "Restart On Retriger" function in task "Program" works. I need to run "Program" depending on the change of motion sensor violation bit. I have quite long time delays inside "Program" (between 15 and 45 minutes), so it is very important that at each change of the motion sensor violation (change from 0 to 1 or vice versa) my program is interrupted and restarted. How should "Restart On Retriger" be set in this case? On False or on True?


Under review

Unable to add RUN PROGRAM to a scene

Fernando Indopesan 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1

Hello! Since the last version (4.7.0) I'm not able to Run a Program from a Scene, I was able in previous versions and it's very useful. I can only set the Enable or Blocked feature, but I can't run it. It'll be pretty helpful, now I have to create a variable just to call the program.


What is the best way for date and time compare ?

Gruyère Energie SA 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by Fabien Fuster 5 years ago 4


The first ask:

I would like know the best way for compare actual date and time with variable for trigger a  tasks program.

The second  ask:

How to check if value is including between x and y

Best regards


Calculation in the last second of each month

SYSGLOB LDA 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 5 years ago 2

Hi everyone.

I need help from you guys. 

As anyone had the need to do a math calculation in the last second of each month? 

My idea is to present the client with the difference between this month energy consumption comparing to the last month. 

The math is easy, my problem is with the trigger, because we have months with 29 or 30 or 31 days.
So I need to do the calculation ( Double = Thismonthcount - Previousmonthcount ) in the last second of each month. 

Thanks for the help.

Under review

Graph problem

Noel Fuentes 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated 5 years ago 7


Something weird is happening with the graphs.

I have 8 HVAC zones with an analog log for set temperatura and another one for room temperature each. Well, I've added to the visualization a data logger (opengraph button) for every zone and added to it the 2 analog logs.

Everything was fine with the first 6 zones. 7th and 8th zones only work fine if I add to the graph only one log. If i add a second log to it, a error shows when I try to open the graph in the visualization. Then I open the graph in the config and one of the two logs is missing, showing the first one and another one with the "Building" node (see image attached).

Image 2324

Is this only happening to me?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Under review

Alarm handling

bravida brasys 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 3

Are there any alarm handler task?



Under review

Movement detector problem

Pedro Sanchez Gomariz 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 3

Hi there! In the very lasts updates of bOS Config, I've found a problem by adding the Movement Detector task. It shows me the red circle of problem, but it's still empy, every field is not filled and there's no error, so I don't know why it happens.

Actually, when I click the errors, it shows me

Tasks\Movement Detector ([Error]Disabled)

but I don't know what it means. 

Is there any way to remove the error? Thank you!!


Counter log problems

hello I have made an analog log with a datapoint 13001 (total power consumed) and another one analog log with a datapoint 14000 (active power).
My client has asked me to change the two graphs to counter log. But I tried to make the change in many ways and the same values ​​received are not represented

Can you help me?

how to run a programm cyclically?

Henri Dumay 6 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by Fabien Fuster 6 years ago 1

I would like to run a program every ten minutes (not a device)

Creating a scheduler with 24*6 time seems not very smart