Under review

Alarm handling

bravida brasys 5 years ago in bOS Configurator / Tasks updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 3

Are there any alarm handler task?



Under review


could you provide any additional information regarding your issue? Currently there's no Alarm task, but other tasks can be created to act as an alarm such as Movement detector that sends alarm information to you and triggers the siren.

Best regards,


I have a project with a lot of alarms from circut brakers, heat pumps, ventilation units, and so on. I would the like to have a alarm list in bOS client where the users see actve alarms and acknowledge them. I would also like to log the alarms over time. And off course I want to be able to send a notification, e-mail or sms on actve alarm.

Would be really nice with a task that worked like this, where you just could add the divicec you want to have as alarm.

Best Regards!



if these devices are supported and can be added into bOS, you can use their statuses and display them in one "alarm" panel, where you can also change the colours of their alarm status. You can then create messages tasks to send alerts to your users when alarm is triggered.


Best regards,