What is the best way for date and time compare ?
Gruyère Energie SA 5 years ago
in bOS Configurator / Tasks
updated by Fabien Fuster 5 years ago •
The first ask:
I would like know the best way for compare actual date and time with variable for trigger a tasks program.
The second ask:
How to check if value is including between x and y
Best regards
Customer support service by UserEcho
Can you provide a bit more info about what you try to achieve for the 1st item ?
For the second one, you need to write a program to be retriggered every time the given value is changing and above X (in your trigger) and "if" below Y, do ..... (in your program). Alternatively, you can do "if" above X and "if" below Y, do.... (in your program) and simply task the program to be retriggered every time the given value is changing.
Hope this helps,
Complementing Fabien reply, probably I would something like this for the 1st:
- Create a Program task,
- On the trigger, choose Time, ValueChanged(OnChange);
- Bellow, on the program body, create an If
- Choose Time, Value, Equals(=), and place the date and time of the day you want
- Inside that If, create what you want to do
- If you have more than one condition, you need to create a "tree" inside the first If
Kinda like:
Best regards
Thank you Fabien and Ricardo for your answers.
Ricrardo in my case I would like compare only date 24/03 in your exemple. The year should not be compared.
I would like find a period for each year without change every year of the comparaison
Best regards.
Try by doing "if" "general/day"=x and "if" "general/month"=y, do ..... As trigger, I guess you have to put both "general/day" and "general/month", both to allowed to retrigger.