Buttons on dashboard not refreshing when using scenes
If I manually change the light status (on/off or brightness) the button shows correct status on the dashboard, however when using a scene to control the light(s) the button / dimmer doesn't refresh and therefore shows incorrect status. This becomes confusing for the user as it's showing the wrong status of the devise.
Should I be using the 'request values' function in the associated scene to force the update?
When I used 'request values' for 6 devises (lights) in a program and triggered it when the scene was activated it did what I expected which was update the dashboard, however it was extremely slow and therefore is not an acceptable solution.
What's the best practise solution for this scenario?

valve control
hello, has anyone realized 4D valve control in temperature feed mixing for underfloor heating to get constant temperature? the problem is to control the valve sometimes in two directions, opening and closing

Analog Log - problem when Input Value doesn't change
I am graphing an Analog Log in which the Input Values often hold steady long period of time. When this happens the data is not recorded and there is no visual indication of the graph value. When the value does finally change, a diagonal line connects the last recorded point and the new point - rather than displaying a straight line when the data value was constant.
I am attaching screenshots to try and explain this.

Display alarm panel via programming
When a fire alarm is detected, I would like to display my Alarm panel in bOS Client. How would I do this?

How does Output Cyclical Delay work in Thermostat
I am using a heating mode Thermostat with the type set to "switching". The "Output Cyclical Delay" parameter does not seem to have any affect on the operation of thermostat - changing from on -> off or off -> on seems to happen immediately at all times with no delay to prevent cycling of the heater. Could you please explain exactly what is the function of the "Output Cyclical Delay" and how I should use it.

Analog Log limits
Hello everyone,
I have 6 Analog Logs, when I put them in a panel page only 2 are working !!
is it a limitation in bOS or I'm doing something wrong ?

Exit command
Hi everyone,
i was wondering when closing a programm in bOS server if exit command should be used. It works in both cases (with and without exit).
As it starts with a default Start command, an exit command at the end will free the allocated memory or is it not necessary?
Best regards,
Charis Meidanis

Program between hours (timeframe)
Hi there,
I'm trying to sync my Hue motion detectors and my KNX detectors. In order to do so, I need to turn on the lights differently depending on the hour.
Between 08h and 22h, the light needs to be "Bright" and between 22h and 8h it needs to be "Dimmed".
So I set up a program with specific "if" statements, but the script gets confused. I think I applied the wrong order or nesting...
I have following config:
But I have several rogue scenarios where lights don't turn on (correctly).
How can I "nest" if-clauses or even create an if-else statement?

Switch On and Off lights depending on sunrise and sunset
Hello, I am new with Jigsaw.
I want to switch on some lights with Sunset and switch off them with Sunrise.I try with program tasks and with scenes but nothing. Probably something goes wrong with my programming.
The Latitude and the Longitude are correct.
Also I attach a foot of this
Can anyone help with this.
Thank you in advance.
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