Background picture not displayed
in bOS Configurator / Themes
updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago •
Good morning,
I have an issue.
This is my tree in Bos Configurator
For each panel I have a background image in jpg.
Images are well displayed for floor "sous sol", and "RDC", but not for other floors. However resolution and image type are the same.
I send 2 examples, first one ok, second one not ok
Thanks for help
Customer support service by UserEcho
Never happened to me. I even test it, just the way you have it configured (as Sub Panels), and didn't get any error with background images.
Can you do a Reload on the top right menu, to see if it helps?
Best regards
It did happen to me in the past. Only solution I had found at that time was to stop and restart the CC server. Login in again after restart showed all pictures.
As a side note, I didn't experience this issue since quite a long time, no idea if it is linked to an update or just coincidence.
Best regards,
Thanks for your answers.
I tested your both solutions. But unfortunately, nothing changes.
That is so wierd...
What happens if you change the background image?
What if you remove the background image, make a reload, and then put the image back?
Can you copy / paste the SubPanel and check if it also happens on the new pasted one? I had some problems in the past with some minor glitches, and in some of them I had to redo to the panel, in other I duplicated the panel and deleted the old one.
Best regards
Hi everyone
Sorry; last weeks were crazy.
If i change the bacground with a standard i,age, it works. But when i change with the real image i need, i have only the background colors displayed.
Little update
Some of image files names have "+" sign. Once deleted it, the issue is solved
I'm glad that you figured it out.
I think that none of us were aware of incompatible characters on the filenames.
Note for all the users: try to keep the filenames with simple characters :D
Best regards