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Counter Log only shows and stores partial value (incremental)

Paul G 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 4 years ago 2

BoS: 4.8.14

KNX data point value

Image 3127

Counter log pointed to KNX data point value above

Image 3128

Why does the counter log only records the partial values and graphically displays the partial values as opposed to the real value of the KNX data point?


Access KNX over TCP

Kristián Vojčík 4 years ago in Devices / KNX 0


I am trying to solve issue where I have KNX bus behind NAT with static public IP and forwarding is working, but UDP protocol is blocked by provider. (I called the provider, they told me there is nothing they can do, I know is stupid, so here we go) So I standing in front of issue that I cannot connect to KNX bus because is only over UDP port. Is here anybody who already solve this issue and is willing share the solution?

PS.: On site Jigsaw is not an option because is only two thermostat that controll two rooms. Time to time disconnection is acceptable because of NAT connection.

Under review

Error importing from ETS

Artur Costa 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 4 years ago 2

Hello, I'm trying to re-import KNX data from an updated ETS export file (XML), but always getting the same error:

Image 2978

What could be the problem?



Simple Thermostat

Sorin Teodorescu 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 4 years ago 5

Image 2977

Hi To Alll

im trying to create a simple knx thermostat with the setpoint up and down, and i unable to find the optimal solution, also im trying to display the room temperature and when you press the up or down button to display the setpoint.

im using bosconfig 4.8.5.

Thanks in advance

Under review

3671 port doesn't work

DIMITRIS GIOUSIS 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 3 years ago 8

Hello, does anyone know why the 3671 port doesn't work anymore on Bos controller even if there is a port forwarding? I need this for remote programming my KNX installation. It was working good so far since know. Also when the Bos configurator inform me  that i need to update my controller when the window prompt me to, there is no update available.  

Thanks in advance.



Comfortclick server with HDL knx

Hussien tolba 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago 3

Dear Sir,


We've just receive the comfort click server yesterday and we've made our test , kindly be informed that we've found a problem such as the following points :-

1- We've create an account on comfort click .

2- We download B0S configuration and B0S server and B0S client.

3- Make configuration and link group address with buttons according to ETS project.

4- When we make check from mobile application or laptop not give any output to the relay.

5- Make full download to relay by using comfort click server.

I'll be waiting for your urgent reply as this project top top urgent.

Best Regards,


Under review

Connect comfortclick ETS5

Im2x3m4u 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1

Hi all, 

I'm facing some issues with downloading my components with ETS5 and generate the ETS export file to import afterwards in bOS. 

In bOS the Jigsaw KNX is std. CCJigsaw 0.0.1.

When I try to connect in ETS5 with CCJigsaw to Individual Address 0.0.1 for downloading my components I get the error: "The individual address is already in use by another device."

I was not able to add the Comfortclick in my topology.

Someone who can assist my with this?

Should I connect with USB directly to the module instead of connecting over wifi?


reading operating time from dali gateway

Dave De Busschere 4 years ago in Devices / KNX 0

Hi there,

I'm trying something simple but seem to miss something.

I wan't to read the operating time from the ECG's in the dali gateway.

I gave the operating time there own knx adres but I can't read the values in bos ??

Image 2907


Programs Values Changed by User from bOS Client

@Nea Smyrni 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 4 years ago 9


Image 2839

I have create some programs that will send values for dimming during time. I have created 4 different programs with 4 different time and different values for dimming. I want this to make this visible to the user so he can change the time and the sending value as he wish. How I am going to create this so everytime he will be able to chane the time and the sending value?

Thank you in advance


KNXIP tunneling error

Bidao Sistemas 4 years ago in Devices / KNX 0


trying to connect to knx system to program devices, I have this error:

"The connection to the KnxIpTunneling: RED - ***.***.***.***:3671 bus of line 1.7 New line could not be established.
The interface is not reachable."

any idea what could be wrong with the bOS setup?? thanks in advance.

details for the error are:

Knx.Bus.Common.Exceptions.ConnectorException: No ConnectResponse received
en ail.a(ConnectorMode A_0, ag2 A_1, CancellationToken A_2)
en ail.d.c(CancellationToken A_0)
en af9.c.c()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke()
en System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Execute()
--- Fin del seguimiento de la pila de la ubicación anterior donde se produjo la excepción ---
en System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
en af9.a(ag2 A_0, Action`1 A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.a(ConnectionTypes A_0, ConnectorMode A_1, Action`1 A_2)
en ail.hj(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0, Boolean& A_1)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorMode A_0)
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.q()
en Knx.Falcon.Bus.a(ConnectorParameters A_0)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass28_0.b__0(FalconOpenParameters openParams)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.CallFalconMethodWithOpenParametersAndRetryWithMacIfPossible(Action`1 action, FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.FalconWrapper.GetLocalSettings(FalconOpenParameters openParameters, Boolean checkUserLogin)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckForShowInterfaceSettings(Project project, KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, ConnectionContainer container)
en Knx.Ets.ViewModel.OnlineOperations.Download.DownloadManager.CheckLocalInterfaceSettings(KnxConnectionOpenInfo connectionOpenInfo, Device device)