Error converting received value index was outside
Stephan Wehner 4 years ago
in Devices / KNX
updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 4 years ago •
Hi to all,
i have a problem read max temperature from a thermostat.
Every time i add it to a frame, i get this error. It work's very well with min temperature and
actual temperature.
Have anyone an idea how i can fix this?
Thermostat is an MDT Controller.
Kind regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Stephan,
You're using the min/max memory values from the MDT thermostat, correct?
As far as I know, the min and max temperature memory values on the MDT devices is the same as any temperature value, a DPT 9.001 value, so it shouldn't give you any error.
Can you double check on bOS if you correctly choose that DPT for those values?
Also check the value on ETS, make a read on the address, and confirm that it's ok. As the max value is exactly the same as any temperature, if the value is correct on ETS, and correctly configured as DPT 9.001 on bOS, it should work without any issues.
Best regards
Hi Ricardo,
yes I use DPT 9.001 in ETS and in bOS Configurator. I can see the right value under KNX.
First, when i add it to frame the error raised up, and the frame is not shown.
I have one frame there the max temperature works. And there the same options set.
I've noticed that you have the send value cyclically activated, to a 5s interval. When in fact you want to read rather than send... What you're doing is to send a value to the bus, rather than reading it.
I'm not sure if it has anything it the error, but can you set the Send Value Cyclically to false, and test it again?
Best regards
Hi Ricardo,
thank's for the answer. I changed the value too false. The error still there.
Kind regards
That's really weird.
What happens if you add that object in other place beside that frame you're talking?
Do you get the same error?
Export the menu where you have that value, and send it to here in the forum.
Best regards
Hello Ricardo
that is strange. i create a new empty frame, put the max temperature to it, an there is no error.
In the old Frame the error still exist.
Many thanks for your help.
Hi Stephan,
Sometimes when we mess around too much, probably some things might get broken on the visualization.
That's why it's always important to make regular backups.
As for the error, I don't see anything wrong on the frame. Try to delete and redo the frame that you were using, I'm almost sure it was just a minor glitch that messed around on the backoffice.
Best regards