Under review

3671 port doesn't work

DIMITRIS GIOUSIS 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 3 years ago 8

Hello, does anyone know why the 3671 port doesn't work anymore on Bos controller even if there is a port forwarding? I need this for remote programming my KNX installation. It was working good so far since know. Also when the Bos configurator inform me  that i need to update my controller when the window prompt me to, there is no update available.  

Thanks in advance.


Under review


do you use our bOS hardware or your own machine? KNX/ETS programming doesn't go trough bOS so bOS shouldn't effect the remote programming in any way. We'd suggest double checking the network configuration/limitations that might be in place.

Best regards.


i am using a jigsaw server. Yes, I will check again the network, although i did the appropriate port forwarding to 3671 port  and it is not the first time i use this server for remote programming of the KNX. At the first connection the KNX devices also couldn't be connected but this was solved the next day.  

Thank you for the response.   



I do some remote programming on some costumers running Jigsaw devices, and I don't have any problem (I'm using the stable 4.7.0 on every Jigsaw, I don't use any Betas on production).

Some notes:

- For safety reasons, don't forward the default 3671 port (check the next note)
- Forward a higher incoming UDP port (let's say 53671) to the internal UDP 3671 (to the Jigsaw IP address)
- Don't forget to change to the correct port on ETS if you change it on the previous note
- Don't forget to check the "Connect using NAT mode" on ETS connection

Best regard


Do you have some more details on how you set up Jigsaw to program with ETS? How must the router settings be?

I currently run a ASUS RT-AC66U_B1

Thanks in advance.


Hello Simen,

Please note, that remote access to ETS is not safe, due to security reasons. For those who still rely on unsecured ETS remote access, please read the following article: https://limessecurity.com/en/knxlock/

I highly encourage you to use a VPN, or using the remote access temporarily.

Nevertheless, if you really need it, here goes some tips:

Btw, what version of bOS are you using? On previous versions, only UDP port was required, but now we need TCP, on bOS version 4.9.x

For old versions of bOS (under 4.9):

Service name: ETS

Protocol: UDP

External port: 63671 (yes I know that the default one is 3671, but the point is to try to move away the default port)

Internal port: 3671

Internal IP address: your bOS IP address

Source IP: leave it blank

For new version of bOS (4.9.x):

Service name: ETS

Protocol: TCP

External port: 63671 (yes I know that the default one is 3671, but the point is to try to move away the default port)

Internal port: 3671

Internal IP address: your bOS IP address

Source IP: leave it blank

Now, on ETS, don't forget to add your public IP address or dynamic dns, the listening port (in this case I've put 63671), and activate the NAT option.

I've used port 63671 in this example, but you can choose any port up to 65535.

Best regards

Thank you for your swift reply!

I run bOS 4.9.1

In bOS Configurator, I also had to set ''Enable KNX Server'' to ''true'' and then it showed up under ''Discovered Interfaces'' in ETS:)

I was not able to configure the interface myself in ETS



Reason I managed to connect via ETS must be that I'm on the same local network as Jigsaw.



When on local network, the bOS interface will show up on ETS automatically, you don't need to create a new connection. Just open the connections and choose the bOS as interface, just like.you noticed.

If you need it remotely, you need to create a new connection on ETS, and configure your network as I described above.

You can use the remote connection to connect your ETS even on local network, but that will depend on your router. If it supports to "Loopback", it will work. Otherwise it won't, and you'll have to work with two distinct connections (On LAN, direct connection to bOS interface; On WAN, through the remote connection created).

Best regards