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2 bit knx message

Fabien Fuster 8 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 1


I'm looking to add a "Forced" priority message on a Hager TXA228 module (ie input 2). Unfortunately, it requires a 2 bit control message which seems not to be available. Any plan to add such message possibilities or any alternative to send such words on the KNX network ?


ComfortClick Support 8 years ago


according to KNX DPT's (http://www.knx.org/fileadmin/template/documents/downloads_support_menu/KNX_tutor_seminar_page/Advanced_documentation/05_Interworking_E1209.pdf), we have 1 bit controlled DPT (1 Bit with priority control), you can use that datapoint.


Under review

Toggle button send sometime several time the same command instead of toggling them.

Fabien Fuster 8 years ago in Devices / KNX updated 8 years ago 2

Seems to be a bug somewhere as I did confirm via ETS that hitting several time on the toggle button, the same command is send. This is erratic and do function sometime properly for a short period of time.

Feedback word is already associated with the command under the specific devices.

Anything I can do to help sorting out this issue ?


Import ETS file

Pedro Gomes 8 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 1

How to import .esf file to grinder? in the menu devices i select knx and doesn't have the option to import, can anyone help me?