Comfortclick server with HDL knx

Hussien tolba 4 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago 3

Dear Sir,


We've just receive the comfort click server yesterday and we've made our test , kindly be informed that we've found a problem such as the following points :-

1- We've create an account on comfort click .

2- We download B0S configuration and B0S server and B0S client.

3- Make configuration and link group address with buttons according to ETS project.

4- When we make check from mobile application or laptop not give any output to the relay.

5- Make full download to relay by using comfort click server.

I'll be waiting for your urgent reply as this project top top urgent.

Best Regards,


that what i found when i push button in BOS configraution 

Your KNX gateway is not connected. Recheck that the connection is True in bOS server.