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RGB Color Picker - proposed improvements

Artur S 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 1


I have one proposition to improve the color picker addon/function. Now bOS allows us to use four separate values for RGBW channels. Additionally we have no enough possibilities to convert it to different kind of values, required by the other devices/systems. For example - KNX uses only RGB, Yeelight RGB in consolidated decimal format...

I believe that for Comfortclick Team is it very easy and simple to add additional values, to use it alternatively to separate channels. My proposition:

What we have now:

R - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

G - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

B - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

W - decimal 0-255 or 0-100

What is needed:

R - HEX 00-FF

G - HEX 00-FF

B - HEX 00-FF

W - HEX 00-FF

RGB - decimal (R*65536+G*256+B) 0-16777215

RGB - hex 0x00-0xFFFFFF

Do anybody need something else? What do you think about this?

Best Regards,



Philips Hue API v2 Events (Server-Side Events)

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago in Devices / HUE updated 2 years ago 8

Hello everyone,

First of all, hope you all had a very nice Christmas, with all the beloved ones.

I'm using some Philips HUE sensors, and I was actually using some of them to turn KNX lights on.

The problem, is that we need to constantly pool the API, which is time and resource consuming for the HUE hub and Comfortclick.

Philips HUE updated the API to the v2, and they have some interesting features, like the events, which allows to keep a constant connection to a data stream, and get realtime updates without the need to constantly pool the HUB.

https://developers.meethue.com/develop/hue-api-v2/migration-guide-to-the-new-hue-api/#Event%20Stream (Login needed to see the API docs)

Side note:

I have to trick the HUB about the sensor. The sensor needs to be active, and for that at least one HUE light has to be linked. But on my case I don't want to turn on any HUE light, but rather a KNX light. For that, I link the sensor to a random HUE light, and set the actions to do nothing when detecting movement (so I can just extract the true motion from the json).

Back to the topic:

So I've tested the curl command, and I really get the realtime updates, and it looks awesome.

Problem: I can see this realtime updates on the Windows console, by using the curl command, as stated on their documentation:

curl --insecure -N -H 'hue-application-key: ' -H 'Accept: text/event-stream' https:///eventstream/clip/v2

But, I would like to do this on ComfortClick. I've tested several options, but none of them worked.

Anyone can eventually enlighten me, if it's doable?

Under review

Cannot program KNX with Jigsaw and ETS 6

Kristián Vojčík 3 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Joaquim Matos 2 years ago 22


I having big trouble to programming KNX over Jigsaw with ETS 6 when I test for bus it return error but I can see data on bus with diagnostic but wehn I try to program something I got error Connection closed by remote device. Have anybody similar behaviour?

Under review

Change temperatur setpoint for 4 rooms

André Mehlhorn 3 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Andy Gill 3 years ago 3


I would like to change the temp set point for at least 4 rooms with one button in CC. That means I have to communicate with at least 4 group addresses.

I'm sure there is an easy solution.

Can anyone support me?

Thank you 


Under review

Sonos function (remember now playing)

Gruyère Energie SA 4 years ago in Devices / Sonos updated by ComfortClick Support 3 years ago 9

Hello ervryone,

I have probably a basic question but I don't understand what this function does ?

Any ideas or exemple ?

Under review

Push quota exceeded.

David Mikhail 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Luis Gonzalez 3 years ago 30


I have new problem with the push function on ios.

Devices : 25.02.2021 22:57:50 : Error : General\Messaging : Error sending iOS push: - Dave 7+ - - Push quota exceeded.

The Push function is limited ? 

Thank you 


Under review

Modbus error handling new features

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by ComfortClick Support 9 months ago 8


I had a small problem with modbus connection that seemed to be all fine(Was connected and no errors in debug), but actually it didn't update values, but i had the error handling setting set to hide. 

Now here's my question if it's set to hide and there is some error does it drop the connection? Or will it still reconnect after the error just doesn't log the error?

I was looking at the diagnostics/debug and it didn't show me any timeouts but it looked like it only was asking 1 register for updates. after i disabled it and re-enabled it started to talk to me again(Started to poll/update all the registers). So right now i left the error handling to reconnect.(Only reason i left it in hide mode was so i could test registers that didn't respond for some reason, now i just turned off cyclical read on them) Modbus connection was "offline" for 2 days.

Also it would be awesome if we could disable/enable modbus driver from the visualization too,  I haven't found a way to do it. We can see the status of the driver that's it.



Under review

alexa not responding

Adi Shamir 5 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 4 years ago 16

Hello, I have all my KNX devices at home connected via BOS to Alexa - about 70 devices. All worked well, until suddenly Alexa stopped responding to all devices. i.e. - When I ask Alexa to 'turn on' a device, it says that the device is not responding - this is the same situation with all my KNX devices. To clarify, BOS works well from the app and also Alexa works well with other devices not connected via BOS. Any idea?


KNX import status adress

bravida brasys 5 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago 2

Are there any fast way to input status adresses when importing from KNX or is typing them in manually the way to go?

