BACNET - Folder
In Bacnet object, there is not possibility to create Folder to organize, why ?
I Think it will be usefull, i've 300 object to organize!
Response needed from TCP Server
I need to use the TCP Server connexion of ComfortClick's Basic Driver in order to receive data sent by a sensor device (VegeHub from Vegetronix).
The TCP server is receiving the data from my Vegehub device, and I can parse the data well.
The problem is that ComfortClick does not send any response to the device and does not close the connection despite closing being requested by the device.
How can I have ComfortClick send a 200 code OK response to an incoming message sent to ComfortClick's TCP Server ?
How can I have ComfortClick close the connexion once received ?
Thank you
MODBUS - Error Handling
I'm looking for a description to understand in deep the difference between Reconnect and Resume.
Can you help ?
MODBUS - BigEndian Vs LittleEndian
I've this instrument EASTRON SDM630M
and i'm trying to read it in modbus.
Usually i start my test with modbus pull software.
I'm read the register number 4 - input register FC04 - (Voltage phase 3) in Floating32bit - BIGENDIAN
In comfortclick, to read the same value i need to set LITTLE-ENDIAN.
you can see that in BigEndian the value is incorrect.
Do you know why there is this different from Modbus Poll ?
Thanks in advice.
Delete multiple KNX devices
Zooz ZSE41 xs sensor - door/window help
Hi All,
Has anyone used/setup the door/window sensor from ZooZ
The XSE41 is a small open/close xs sensor.
I have included the XSE41 into the z-wave network.
Parameters gives me a popup box error - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
Associations is - blank
Multi ch associations is - blank
These little things are made by fibaro and I use plenty of Fibaro with CC
Thanks for any help
Writing time to knx address
Hi all
I have a time node that works and displays time in the visualisation correctly. Problem shows up when i want to send time variable to KNX address and show it on the switches, it always stays at 00:00.
Addreses are the same 0/0/1 and 0/0/3 on switches.
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