
stephen andries 1 month ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 1 month ago 5

does anybody have any experience using webhooks on the jigsaw pro?

I want to integrate my unify G4 doorbell's fingerprintscanner, to open my door, and i have a jigsaw running my KNX.

If i can get the G4 to communicate with my KNX, i could make it happen

The Basic  TCP driver has webhook option. Have you tried it?

Image 5192

I now realize that I read your post wrong. For webhooks you can use http driver. But not sure about the commands. I dont own this device and couldnt find the api manual for it.

Image 5196

Image 5197

my UDM is

My jigsaw is

how can i get the jigsaw to litsten to the commands?

Try Basic TCP server too. As I dont own the device I cant help much. I would try if the tcp server sees anything at all. Then you would need to parse out the trigger for you knx side. Next I would try if it responds to GET commands. 

also found a manual to connect unify to other devices. As i understand, you could connect to the doorbell using python code.

Can i make a python program on the jigsaw? This should be the code:

Python integration with Protect API:

import requests

# API-settings
BASE_URL = "https://:443"
USERNAME = "your username"
PASSWORD = "your-password"

# Authenticatie
def authenticate():
url = f"{BASE_URL}/api/auth/login"
payload = {"username": USERNAME, "password": PASSWORD}
session = requests.Session()
response = session.post(url, json=payload, verify=False)
return session

# Get event
def get_events(session):
url = f"{BASE_URL}/protect/api/events"
response = session.get(url, verify=False)
return response.json()

session = authenticate()
events = get_events(session)