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Error message appearing when viewing IP Camera sources in ffmpeg component.

Pascal Platteel 6 years ago in Devices / Cameras updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 1

When viewing at camera streams configured throug OnVif, I get the following error's a lot:

Devices : 08/08/2018 11:42:00 : Error : Devices\IP Camera Garage : Error running ffmpeg. Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the arrays lower bounds.    at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
   at ComfortClick.IPCamera.Helpers.MpegDecoder.Streamer()

How can this be fixed?


UPS and UPS generic and Jigsaw

Francois Lesueur 6 years ago in Devices / Other updated by Paul G 3 years ago 1


What is the difference between ""UPS and "UPS generics" devices ? 

The help says that the UPS device is using the Windows drivers, and then can work only on bOS windows based systems. Are there / will there be any support for Jigsaw models ? Maybe with the UPS generic device ?


DMX integration


Because now dimmable LEDS are the way to go for home lightning, DMX protocol seems very interesting because it is cheap. There is no status update, but this isn't important for home lightning. Do you have any plans to implement integration with some DMX usb controllers? 

I am going to test DMX sending http requests from CC to a nodejs server on raspbarry pi which will be connected to a cheap usb dmx convertor with FTDI chip (FT232RL).



Tilen Suhadolnik 6 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated 6 years ago 0


Under review

Variable HTTP Header in PUT Command

Lee Douglas 7 years ago in Devices / Http updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 4

Working on integration with the HIVE system from British Gas.

I need to send a "login" command through the API to receive a SessionID.

Which I can do easily in bOS.

I then need to pass this SessionID into each later command as a header for authorisation. As the SessionID varies every 30 minutes or so, I need to have the "SessionID" as a variable Header in later commands.

Are you able to amend Config to allow for variables in POST command headers?

(I note we can already use variables in several other places of the command, just not the header which I need).


URL is: https://api-prod.bgchprod.info:443/omnia/nodes

Command is GET.

The header I need to use is:

Content-Type: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
Accept: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
X-Omnia-Client: Hive Web Dashboard
X-Omnia-Access-Token: Irg6fxvdBrhE0xewMiGJxo4

Where the final highlighted section varies every 30 minutes.


The sensibo integration is not allways working

Joaquim Matos 1 week ago in Devices / Http updated 1 week ago 2

The integration using the available HTTP example no longer works properly and the following happens:

- every two minutes the connection is established

- Lasts about 30s and turns off again

- I can't find any parameter with these values in the configuration

- during the 30s I can give commands, for example on/off, but after that it's not possible, although sometimes I can (it's random).

- The response message is "ok" when the connection is achieved and "TooManyRequests" when there is no connection.

Can you help please

Under review

Hello, I'm currently looking for a way to play a pre-recorded audio file on bOS through Sonos speakers.

LÊ NHÂN 2 weeks ago in Devices / Sonos updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 weeks ago 4

Image 4887

Hello, I'm currently looking for a way to play a pre-recorded audio file on bOS through Sonos speakers. Do you have any examples of how to do this or any setup instructions? Thank you.


What i'm doing wrong?

Alexandru Dumbravă 3 weeks ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated 3 weeks ago 14

Image 4874

Image 4875Image 4876Image 4877Image 4878

Hello. So, i'm trying to connect a Shelly 2.5 in relay mode (2 channels). I want to control channels, which works fine, to get the Switch value (if the switch it's on or off) and to find out the consumption on any channel. (in case one switch it's on, but the consumption is 0, it's means there's a problem, and i want to message the client that the lamp it's broken). I can see in subscription de actual value, in all my necessary, but i really don't know how to put the value from subscriber, into the parser. (ex: The instant consumption from the led bulb, from subscriber, into consumption panel value) . I'm a MQTT beginner, don't really know how it's works, but i try to do my best. 

Thank you very much!


Shelly Cloud Connetion Error

Francisco Oliveira 3 weeks ago in Devices / Http updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 3 weeks ago 3

Trying to connect to shelly cloud and can't understand what i'm making wrong.

with curl i'm using :

curl -X POST https://shelly-24-eu.Shelly.cloud/device/status -d "auth_key=XPTO&id=c45bbe6a3221"

and i got the json answer.

How can i program it in comfortclick?

Under review

Shelly RGBW2 Error connecting to device. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Alexandru Dumbravă 1 month ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by ComfortClick Support 4 weeks ago 5

Hello. So, I just included a Shelly RGBW2 on my project, and got this error. The program works just fine, but i get constantly this error. Ideas what can I do to solve that? Thanks.

Image 4860