HUE problems with latest version
Since the latest release was installed I'm having issues with my Hue lighting, if I send any hue commands from BOS I lose the whole hue system, the hue switches no longer work and the lights come on and off randomly (possible delayed from switch operation). I have to reset the hue bridge and then the hue switches work again. and all is fine until I send another command via BOS.
Fronius Symo | PV API integration
KNX IP secure
I didn't have a chance to test it, but has anyone tried Comfortclick with KNX IP secure routers/interfaces?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards
Error message appearing when viewing IP Camera sources in ffmpeg component.
When viewing at camera streams configured throug OnVif, I get the following error's a lot:
Devices : 08/08/2018 11:42:00 : Error : Devices\IP Camera Garage : Error running ffmpeg. Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the arrays lower bounds. at System.Array.Copy(Array sourceArray, Int32 sourceIndex, Array destinationArray, Int32 destinationIndex, Int32 length, Boolean reliable)
at ComfortClick.IPCamera.Helpers.MpegDecoder.Streamer()
How can this be fixed?
UPS and UPS generic and Jigsaw
What is the difference between ""UPS and "UPS generics" devices ?
The help says that the UPS device is using the Windows drivers, and then can work only on bOS windows based systems. Are there / will there be any support for Jigsaw models ? Maybe with the UPS generic device ?
DMX integration
Because now dimmable LEDS are the way to go for home lightning, DMX protocol seems very interesting because it is cheap. There is no status update, but this isn't important for home lightning. Do you have any plans to implement integration with some DMX usb controllers?
I am going to test DMX sending http requests from CC to a nodejs server on raspbarry pi which will be connected to a cheap usb dmx convertor with FTDI chip (FT232RL).
Variable HTTP Header in PUT Command
Working on integration with the HIVE system from British Gas.
I need to send a "login" command through the API to receive a SessionID.
Which I can do easily in bOS.
I then need to pass this SessionID into each later command as a header for authorisation. As the SessionID varies every 30 minutes or so, I need to have the "SessionID" as a variable Header in later commands.
Are you able to amend Config to allow for variables in POST command headers?
(I note we can already use variables in several other places of the command, just not the header which I need).
URL is:
Command is GET.
The header I need to use is:
Content-Type: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
Accept: application/vnd.alertme.zoo-6.0+json
X-Omnia-Client: Hive Web Dashboard
X-Omnia-Access-Token: Irg6fxvdBrhE0xewMiGJxo4
Where the final highlighted section varies every 30 minutes.
HikVision alrm with SIA-DCS protocol
Hikvision Alarm Panel protocols.jpg
Hello everyone,
I have an HikVision alarm system wich are using SIA-DCS protocol, how can I integrate on JigSaw & bOS Config?
Thank you
does anybody have any experience using webhooks on the jigsaw pro?
I want to integrate my unify G4 doorbell's fingerprintscanner, to open my door, and i have a jigsaw running my KNX.
If i can get the G4 to communicate with my KNX, i could make it happen
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