Under review

Push quota exceeded.

David Mikhail 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by ComfortClick Support 3 months ago 32


I have new problem with the push function on ios.

Devices : 25.02.2021 22:57:50 : Error : General\Messaging : Error sending iOS push: - Dave 7+ - - Push quota exceeded.

The Push function is limited ? 

Thank you 


Under review


the push quota is limited, but the numbers are high, its to prevent unnecessary spam.

How many are you sending per hour?

Best regards,


I don't really know.

But I had a loop problem that I fixed.

What is the quota limitation and on how long?

thank you 


Firebase has this info on push notification limits "Collapsible message throttling
As described above, collapsible messages are content-free notifications designed to collapse on top of each other. In the event that a developer is repeating the same message to an app too frequently, we delay (throttle) messages to reduce the impact on a user’s battery.

For example, if you send large numbers of new email sync requests to a single device, we might delay the next email sync request a few minutes so that the device can sync at a lower average rate. This throttling is done strictly to limit the battery impact experienced by the user.

If your use case requires high burst send patterns, then non-collapsible messages may be the right choice. For such messages, make sure to include the content in such messages in order to reduce the battery cost.

We limit collapsible messages to a burst of 20 messages per app per device, with a refill of 1 message every 3 minutes.


You can send up to 240 messages/minute and 5,000 messages/hour to a single device. This high threshold is meant to allow for short term bursts of traffic, such as when users are interacting rapidly over chat. This limit prevents errors in sending logic from inadvertently draining the battery on a device."

I had issues too with it. Client/hotel has 81 rooms, they wanted to send push notifications when there was some maintenance planed.  

At first test only 50 devices got the push notification, then I added a 1 min delay to the program in the middle of them. After the 48th client/user device, then I still got 24 exceeded notification errors. 

Now I added a 1 min delay after every 20th user. Haven't tested it since then, so I don't know if it helped or not, hotel is in use and they haven't had the need to use it either. Would be great to know that limit...

Best regards


Now the error message has changed to :

Devices : 26.02.2021 01:48:15 : Error : General\Messaging : Error sending iOS push: - iPad de David - Attention pluie - Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: certificate

I did not change anything 

can you help me ?



I've noticed I don't receive any push notification on my iPhone. However Android is working fine.

I tried to delete the phone from the users menu in bOS config and tried to delete the project and add it again in the app, but nothing's changed. No push notifications.

The thing is this is not happening only with my bOS server. I tried with one random bOS server from one of our clients and I don't receive push notifications neither.

No errors are displayed in the bOS config app.

Best regards.

The problem is the update of certificates for apple push notifications. It is necessary to wait for an update of the certificates (bos software) for everything to be normal again.

Can you solve the problem please?

Best regards.



we're investigating the issue with push notifications with IOS devices. We'll try to resolve it as soon as possible.

Best regards, 

Hello everyone,

Sorry to enter the topic, but there's also an issue with the Android notifications, and it's not from the current versions, so it's already present on older versions. Also I can confirm that this behavior is still present on 4.8.8

It's something I think I've already commented on another post, but I got no answer.

When the Android gets a notification from bOS, it only gets a single notification. It means, that if 2 or 3 notifications are dropped on the Android coming from bOS, even if it's from a different object / value / etc, it only stays the last one, so you don't get to see the previous ones. On Android notifications, every notification can actually be shown separately.

So, on Android SDK it's possible to have several notifications coming from the same source, and actually group them. Which is not happening on bOS app. So, for me the bOS notifications are completely turned off because it doesn't make sense to loose all of the previous notifications. Please have a look, and see if you can fix the notifications.

Btw, does iOS users get the same result? Try to send multiple notifications from bOS to iOS, and tell me if they are treated separately, or if only the last one overlaps all of the other ones.

Create a Group of Notifications | Android Developers

Best regards

Hello Ricardo,

I've got an iPhone and I don't receive any notifications at all. I don't know if this is happening to every iOS user or just me. I've tested it with a couple of servers and no one sent notificatinos (or, at least, I don't receive them).

No error is displayed on  bOS config log.

Best regards.


we made some changes on our side regarding push handling. You can try and send the push notification again and check if everything is OK.

Best regards,


I've noticed notifications are working again. Thanks a lot for the hard work you're doing.

Best regards


excellent news! We'll try to improve the connection further to avoid these issues. Thank you for reporting and feedback.

Best regards.


The problem is not resolved for me :-(

Devices : 04.03.2021 14:45:14 : Error : General\Messaging : Error sending iOS push: - Dave 7++ - test - Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: certificate

I restart the BOS server and removed my Iphone from the config. But not work :-(

What do I have to do ?

Best regards.


can you try and re-add or recreate the message task? Not sure what you're sending to the device, that value cannot be null error may indicate some incorrect values, we'll take a closer look into the "parameter name" error you get and see what's going on there.

Best regards,

I created a new notification but nothing has changed

But in the error message there is written (Parameter name: certificate)

A few days ago I had an apple push notification problem with security software.

We have updated the push notification certificate from apple.

Did you try this option?

Hello again,

I'm sorry to inform that I'm not getting notifications again. I tried deleting the device from the bOS config and rebooting the server but I'm not receiving them. It only worked that morning the other day .

Best regards,


do you get any errors or just not receive the notifications?

Best regard,s



For me Android push notifications work as they should. But iOS devices still get the "Value cannot be null.Parameter name: certificate" error in logs. 

Best regards


Nope, no errors displayed at all on bOS Config.

Best regards,

I created a new notification but nothing has changed

But in the error message there is written (Parameter name: certificate)

A few days ago I had an apple push notification problem with security software.

We have updated the push notification certificate from apple.

Did you try this option?

I am experiencing the same problem. I do not receive any notification since about 10 days ago.

I have found some "Push quota exceed" errors in the logfile, but lately all messages I get are

Error sending iOS push: iPhone xx - Alarm yy - Value cannot be null. Parameter name: certificate



some changes were made for the notification services today, you can try and check if notifications are now working OK.

Best regards.


Apparently, I'm getting notifications again. Thanks!!  

Best regards,

Me too. Thank you very much


I try now... no change for me 😭

I reboot, turn off push on device and turn on again, test new alert push but no change 🤯

Same problem

thx for your help


we're still resolving the issue now, it works for a while and then it stops. Hopefully we'll resolve the issue soon.

Best regards,


Refloating this thread since the problem has just reappeaerd. I presume it has to do with the same or a similar cause.

@ComfortClick Support, can you please look into it?


Just to make it clear, push notifications are not being received in any device. Log file shows continuous entries like this

Devices : 27/09/2021 0:37:11 : Error : General\Messaging : Error sending iOS push: - iPhone Luis - Alarma Presencia Cocina - Push quota exceeded.

Same thing happens with email notifications. No changes in configuration, so I presume this has to do with a general server issue



still facing this issue? We re-tested in our projects now and it's working normally everywhere. How many did you send yesterday?

Best regards,


Apparently all went back to normal. There were some notifications tonight. The "exceeded quota" messages ended around 01:00 CEST. From then on, all log entries were showing successful notifications.

Btw, email notifications have always been working, it was a wrong observation.

There are 3 phones receiving push messages, all in the same place (here at home). All of them stopped receiving and starting receiving them at the same time. I am not very familiar about how the push notification work, but I does not look like an issue with the phone or the network (i could run BOS Config from my home without any problem)

Hope it helps, and thank you very much for your prompt reply


Refloating this topic again, 3 years later :(

No notification to iphones and Push quota messages

Comfortclick team: can you please look into it?  (and fix it forever if possible!!!!)

Hello Luis,

we have a limit of 50 push notifications per hour. If you exceed these numbers you will get the error message. Try to reduce the push notifcation frequency or devices.

Best regards.