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SIP door phone

Kristián Vojčík 8 years ago updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 2 years ago 14

Hello. I am trying to get to work IP SIP protocol door phone but with no luck. I try android app but that crash every time. So I want to ask if there is some way to add SIP door phone to Jigsaw or how to properly set up your app for SIP door phone. We are using Helios 2N door phone.

Regards. Team Slovakia. Stavcomp S.R.O.

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Expected develpoment bOS server and bOs configurator for Macos?

István Gehl 1 year ago updated 1 year ago 2
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Matter protocol

Fabien Fuster 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by KayH 6 months ago 15
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Protocol OCPP

Gruyère Energie SA 2 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 1 year ago 7


Have you planned the integration of the ocpp protocol?

It's the protocol for charging point.


Best regards.


Cant connect from android app anymore

A. R. 3 years ago in bOS Client updated by Sơn Phương Nguyễn 2 years ago 8

Server restart not helps, but erase data/cache helps, then add new connection and work until close app, same on all phones .  Any ideas where can be problem ?

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"Visualization name" and "Scene"/"Schedule" options

Noel Fuentes 3 years ago in bOS Configurator updated 3 years ago 4


I'd like to propose a couple of features for future releases. I've searched for them in case someone had proposed them but I found nothing about that. Here they are:

1. I think it would be nice if every node (for example a light) had a "Visualization name" field. So, let's say we have that item on several pages, scenes and schedules and we need to change its name. Instead of changing the name on every page, scene and schedule, we only had to do it on just one place, on the "Visualization name". Automatically the name would change on every page, scene and schedule we had created.

2. I think it woud be nice too if end users can create their own schedules and scenes instead of us (integrators) doing it. For this purpose, maybe every node could have a "Schedule" or "Scene" check box, so we let the end user to add this item to their own schedules/scenes.

Thank you very much.

Best regards

Under review

Jigsaw upgrade to 4.9.1

matej bregar 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 3

First of all, best wishes to you all!

Now, to the point: I'm trying to upgrade Jigsaw bOS version to latest version (now 4.8.20/ system ver, knx v2).

I waited 20+ minutes after upgrade process start, tried to connect but server was unresponsive. Powering off Jigsaw helped, but bOS was not upgraded.

Any ideas, what could go wrong?



Issues with data export

Eduard Kurdun 3 years ago in General 0

Your bOS product is installed as part of the design of a KNX system for controlling the functions of microclimate, lighting, monitoring the operation of technical systems and optimizing energy resources for the house and the surrounding area.

The purpose of using bOS software is not only for managing the inherent functionality, but also for analysing and building control logic in order to optimize, save, and create complete and effective automation.

Unfortunately, while implementing this project, we encountered a number of problems:

1) export of data from measuring devices is possible only with the frequency originally programmed by the developer. For example, if a graph is selected by the hour, we have the opportunity to receive data with a minimum configured frequency only for a day, and it is impossible to receive data with a minimum configured frequency for a longer period - a week, a month or a year (there we get arithmetic mean data for a day, weeks and months, respectively). We need your options for possible solutions.

2) The standard functionality does not include the ability to export all data at once for all registered parameters or in large groups - now the system allows you to export the data of each parameter separately. This limitation severely complicates the process and makes it inefficient and resource-intensive. For example, to download our 800 parameters, it will take about 3 hours, and then at least another 1 hour to group them. In such a situation, it is almost impossible to talk about the current analysis.

3) In bOS Configurator, export is possible (as far as we know) only in txt format, which cannot be used for importing, for example, into Microsoft Excel or a similar format for subsequent data processing (conducting end-to-end analysis, writing formulas to determine relationships and correction factors, etc.).

4) Moreover, only the data displayed on the screen is exported, or as much as was viewed, i.e. Not the whole story, as we need it for the purposes of analysis.

In connection with the above-listed difficulties of exporting data from the bOS system, we ask for your recommendations and solutions for a more convenient and complex data export for further automated processing.

We are interested in software tools (as part of bOS modules or directly with a database) for accessing and processing data in a user-friendly form.

Under review

Automatic backup

Alexandros Toufexis 3 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 10 months ago 4

Is it possible to for bOS servers (e.g. Jigsaw or any Windows PC) to perform automatic backups of either the whole configuration or just the analog logs/db, in a NAS or an external hard drive connected via usb?
Under review

bOS Client does not work after updating to iOS15

Alberto Gómez Zamora 3 years ago in bOS Client updated by Francois Lesueur 3 years ago 25

After upgrading the iOS version in both iPad and iPhone, bOS client app can't connect to the server.