Under review

Jigsaw upgrade to 4.9.1

matej bregar 3 years ago in General updated 3 years ago 3

First of all, best wishes to you all!

Now, to the point: I'm trying to upgrade Jigsaw bOS version to latest version (now 4.8.20/ system ver, knx v2).

I waited 20+ minutes after upgrade process start, tried to connect but server was unresponsive. Powering off Jigsaw helped, but bOS was not upgraded.

Any ideas, what could go wrong?


I'm suffering from the same. I hit the "upgrade, yes I want to restart" button, but nothing happened. I cannot open my config as I keep getting the message I cannot use a new version of BOS config with an old version of BOS server. 

Any advise from ComfortClick?

Under review


I am sorry to hear about your problem. You can try setting static IP with Google DNS (primary secondary and try updating again. If you will still face problems with updating the server then we recommend you to open a ticket in our support ticketing system and we will arrange a remote session.

Best regards, Andraž

Well, it was obviously a temporary issue. On the third attempt, I was successful, Jigsaw updated.

Thanks all for your support.