Connection to Siemens PLC
I have been tryin to estabilish connection between Siemens S-7 1200 PLC & Grinder, I have tried with tcp/ip connection and modbus, but no success.
I am trying to read bool values and writing them.
Have anyone had any success with this type of aplication?
disconnecting the connection android
Notoriously on the BOS client in android, it happens that the connection on the screens with cameras is broken, whether it is the RTSP itself or the photos on the browser or the Windows client there is no such problem, please correct the errors
Troubles with 4.8.5
After update of Jigsaw into 4.8.5 I have troubles with blinds managed throw KNX. Aditionally is not possible to upgrade linux and knx interface. Both show need to upgrade and looks they are updating when run the process but still requesting to be updated.
Beta update 4.7.19 Button bug and slowing down
Yesterday we had reports that some of the buttons in the ventilation panel were not working. Turns out that some of them have changed the control type to lable after the server update. The template is my old vallox template that i made few years back, all the servers that are running on older version have it still set to toggle button. So it must have been the server update that changed it.
Good news is that i havent had any crashes with the latest betas,
Bad news is that i have to change the buttons control type for about 200+ apartments now. And adding a column or copying and pasting a node to it still takes up to a minute, so the server CPU load goes up to 30-50%. Making panels with a lot of nodes takes more time.
Just a FYI whoever is messing with the beta updates, that some changes may have happened to your configuration.
Best regards.
Not import ETS 1 byte 20.102 HVAC mode
I try many times but the 1 byte DPT 20.102 HVAC mode is not imported.
The datapoint is visible and correctely identified in the first step, but in the final step the DPT not present
In finaly the value is not imported to the bOS.
bOS animation
Dear bOS Team,
Will the animation support will be in the next release or any time soon ?
SONOS to play radio stations
Was anyone able to configure a bos program to play a radio station?
Also to play Spotify playlist?
Thanks, Ziv
E-mail with HTML tags/css (tip)
Hello everyone,
Ever wondered that the e-mails in plain text sucks?
Well I've got tired, so I got news for you: it's possible to beautify the e-mails sent from bOS.
This was tested with my Gmail SMTP. If you add HTML/CSS tags, the e-mail sent will understand those tags.
On my e-mail body I've added something like:
And the result on my inbox was:
Use it! It's cooler than plain text.
Best regards
Counter Log - Help with kWh calculation
Hi people,
May I ask a little help about counter log?
I have a power sensor on an electric board. On ETS, I get an Instantaneous Power object (2 bytes), which comes in kW format. Like, if the house is consuming 1200W, I get 1,2 value on ETS, if it's consuming 250W, I get 0,25 value, and so on. I have the correct instant values showing on visualization.
I've tried to create counter logs, to get an approximate daily consumption, etc. The problem is that the values on the counter log don't make any sense.
For example, if the house is consuming constant 250W during 24hour, I should get 6 kWh by the end of the day, but the values don't make sense. On one day, it showed something like 138kWh on one day, which is impossible. I deleted all data now.
Either I'm configuring all wrong the counter log, or there's something I'm missing.
Thanks for any help
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