Under review
Troubles with 4.8.5
After update of Jigsaw into 4.8.5 I have troubles with blinds managed throw KNX. Aditionally is not possible to upgrade linux and knx interface. Both show need to upgrade and looks they are updating when run the process but still requesting to be updated.
Customer support service by UserEcho
There is also a performance issue. Not only on Jigsaw. I also have a bOS server running on a PC (i3 3.5 GHz, 8GB RAM, SSD). The backgrounds look like they are downloading over a very slow connection.
This is a serious problem!
Also Weather on some of Jigsaw not working after update. And Config some time refresh on Ginder and is not possible to work on it.
thank you all for reporting the issues. It's quite strange to see performance issues as the current version should improve the overall performance and stability as there was a lot of polishing and improving the services on the software.
Are you connecting locally to the server or over 3,4g? How's the internet speed?
Regarding issues with weather, the could be an issue with the DNS service on the device, you can try and set the static IP to the server and reboot, check if you can see the weather information.
Best regards.
The internet connection to the world is 1GB / s. optical fiber
JIGSAW is connected to the LAN with a cable.
You probably don't want to understand and you are looking for the reason everywhere except in the update.
Before the update, it worked very well!
I just updated from 4.8.5 to 4.8.6 - my biggest issue I can see now is buttons that changed to labels.
I cannot change them back to anything: mode setter, up down setter, fixed value etc...
admin log only notes this:
Admin : 09.02.2021 22:01:23 : Michal : SetSetting : Path: Themes\Sopranowa\HVAC, Setting: Controls, Data: System.Collections.Generic.List`1BOSCommon.Interfaces.IThemeControl
All of those are modbus integers.
I had the problem with the buttons too. But if you change the template of the button itself to something changeable and re-import them back to the theme, it will work again. But I have the problem that the Android app doesn't connect anymore to the jigsaw server.
I usually turn all my buttons to manual - I do not use templates that often. But still they seems to turn back to automatic and then they are all labels again. This is not a new bug for me -
@Michal Kowalczyk
check if your buttons style is still set to manual - otherwise you cant change the Control type to button - it defaults back to label.
Also i will be skipping this update then - Thanks for notifying.
if the templates are not set, the buttons are set to label in this version, we're working on resolving this issue and a new update will be released addressing these issues.
Best regards.