Under review

Matter protocol

Fabien Fuster 2 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated by KayH 5 months ago 15

Was too quick, sorry !

Long time since I've last posted something as I had very litle time to further "play" with my bOS the past few months...

Simple question, all in the title: do you plan to integrate the Matter protocol in bOS ? The v1 is now official, and there is quite a bunch of manufacturers already engaged with it, so it could be nice to further expand our systems.

Under review

Hello Fabien,

it has been a while indeed, good to see you back!

We're avare of the integration of matter and it's release. Currently we're talking and discussing about it and it's integration into bOS, but that is that for now. It hasn't been added to the pipeline for integration just yet, but my guess would be it will be added as it seems to be a huge deal in our space.

Best regards.

Thanks ! I really hope to be able to be more active again, but it looks good so far.

Thanks as well for your feedback. I truly believe it will open new possibilities, so really looking forward to it.

All the best to the team.

"Currently we're talking and discussing about it and it's integration into bOS, but that is that for now. It hasn't been added to the pipeline for integration just yet, but my guess would be it will be added as it seems to be a huge deal in our space"

Thanks for this thread. I am really pleased that you are discussing this here. I've been using Jigsaw for about a year now (as an end user) and I'm really happy with the solution. But you are seriously discussing whether you want to support Matter? I've also taken my first steps there, which are quite sobering, but if your system wants to live on, then I hardly have an alternative. In which direction are your discussions going internally?


Matter is one protocol, they are many others protocole KNX/Modbus/Bacnet/MQTT ....

bOS remains a good system even if matter is not planned right away.

Best regards.

An interview worth reading with Stefan Neuhaus, Head of Innovation and Advanced Development at Insta GmbH, on the subject: "I'll be happy if, in the future, we no longer have to differentiate which networking technology we use. That has produced an incredible amount of waste, also among manufacturers. In the past, the smart home scene has often allowed itself to be blinded by optimistic market forecasts and developed products based on gut instinct in order to participate. Perhaps in the future there will only be KNX as a system for professional building technology and matter as a solution for smart homes driven by the end consumer market." „Smart home programming has to be as easy as setting an alarm clock“

Turns out that Sonoff has removed DIY mode from newer devices that come with Matter supported.

So it's a matter of time its needed...in bOS too, babum tsss 

Any news on Matter integration?


Hello Andy,

Matter is indeed in the development, however I can't give you any ETA. The Matter itself is still very early at this stage so it's gonna take some time to get it working with us. Plus there is certification and other documentation that comes with it. 

But we're still actively working on it, so you can expect it in the future releases.

Best regards.

Thanks, that's great I was just confirming it's in your development plan.


hi, any news? Would be great to have good integration because I want to use some simple smart power plugs and it they all + KNX work with Matter then it will be easier to manage& visualise


majority of the work is done and progress is good and stable. Currently cannot give you an exact ETA, but you can expect it at the end of the year or early next year.

Best regards.

I'm very pleased that you at CC have taken up the Matter topic and are promising a concrete implementation. But what exactly can we expect? Will you provide CC devices as Matter devices, as you allready do across the Apple, Google and Amazon APIs? That would be great. Probably for you too, as you would no longer have to serve three different platforms, but would concentrate on one. But it would be even more interesting if you also implemented an integration of Matter devices in CC. Is that planned? So that CC bOS will become a Matter controller itself? That would be really amazing.



the plan is to release support for both, so as a Matter controller and Matter bridge. This bridge would then basically replace Apple/Google/Amazon API.

We'll see where the demand is regarding Matter as well and integrate accordingly.

Hope this helps!

Best regards.


Matter Bridge and Controller available at the end of this year (or the beginning of next) is more than I expected. I'm very excited about it and thank you in advance for tackling it this way.

Best regards,
