Under review

Automatic backup

Alexandros Toufexis 3 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 11 months ago 4

Is it possible to for bOS servers (e.g. Jigsaw or any Windows PC) to perform automatic backups of either the whole configuration or just the analog logs/db, in a NAS or an external hard drive connected via usb?
Under review


currently this is impossible on our Jigsaw servers, but you can create a backup in Windows machine. You need to open backup setting in Windows and select the disc, and then you select Building folder in Program files/ Comfortclick/ BOS Server 

Automatic backup is planned to be released in the next version of bOS. 

Best regards

waiting on auto backup feature


Is the update already working? I need to program automatic backups of db



unfortunately we do not have automatic backup feature in bOS yet. It is still planned to be in the next version of bOS but we do not have the ETA yet.

Best regards