Weather forecast
Someone can get me instructions or an example how to set up weather forecast based on openweather or any other method?
I'm a little begginer about the bos, and this (https://www.comfortclick.com/BOS/KnowledgeBase/Weather) example cant get me on.
Thank you!
Regards, David

Updating firmware on Zwave devices
Hi, I want to update the firmware on a number of devices (various brands - mainly Fibaro)
I know there are updates as on another project we used the Fibaro HomeCentre and each device required an update. I can't see how you can do this in ComfortClick.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Hikvision NVR cannot be discovered
Hi i am not able discover my HIKVISION NVR (model: DS-7604NI-Q1/4P) under the bOS configurator's device discovery function. The NVR and the Jigsaw are under the same network.
And also i am unable to display the camera video on bOS Client even though i have manually keyed in the IP address of the NVR and the URL (rtsp://%u:%p@%ip:554/Streaming/Channels/101) under IP camera settings. I have validated the URL using the VLC and the video was displayed correctly.
Anyone has such similar experience? Your advice is much appreciated. Thanks

KNX TP Connection - "Error connecting the device - No response to connect"
I've attached the Jigsaw to my KNX installation by connecting the TP connection directly to the bus.
Seems the Jigsaw cannot start that way of communication.
On the other hand, when I try it by using the KNP IP gateway, it IS working!
So, how can I enable the Jigsaw's internal KNX TP bus connection instead of using the IP based connection?

HomeKit - Window Shutter
Good evening,
I installed the beta version of bOS in order to mess with HomeKit, and, more specifically about the window shutter, I find that the values that it requested were inverted for my shutters setup (HomeKit requires 0 for closed and 100 for open, my shutters require 0 for open and 100 for closed). I think the dev team could add an option to invert those values.

Dimmer with movement detector
Hello, Is there a built-in or existing way to control the dimmer module or LED control relay with a "motion sensor" function? Or is it necessary to write a program for this? Can anyone help with this? I would like to use it by turning on the light at 20% at night (or white at 20% for LED strips). But at the same time, I would like to have the "movement detector" blocking function as well. For example, at night, due to the motion sensor, the light turns on with 20% brightness, if the light is not turned on (if it is on, it does not do anything by definition), but if I press the switch, it turns on with 100% brightness. Thanks for the help!

ich möchte einen kalender für termine einfügen. als beispiel einen abfallkalender mit ical.

Jigsaw + GSM
Are there any plans (or it already exist?) to support a GSM module for the Jigsaw hardware device (by connecting to USB)

"Denon AVR" driver from ComfortClick examples library
Hello everyone.
I have a question. Has anyone tried to use "Denon AVR" driver to control the Marantz SR7015 receiver. If so, which Remote Port should be set, because on 5000 I get "Error connecting to device. No response from xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:5000”.

connection problem
I'm trying to turn on/off a light bulb. It's not working. It shows me that the device is connected. I have cheked the ip of my knx and i have selected "true" in the value tab.What elce should i do?
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