Under review

Text squeeze on high aspect ratio display

Maciej Kapica 2 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 2 years ago 3

Hi there,

Our customer has a phone with high display aspect ratio and some texts (schedule times) are not showing (only the hour is visible, not minutes). Is there any parameter we could change to make it more visible? See attached screen shots, first is scheduler within windows client app (all visible), another is client android app on customer's phone (only hours visible).

Image 4542

Image 4541

Under review

Hello Maciej,

I'm guessing the client requires larger text size for viewing? Unfortunately the client application automatically scales the images and texts according to device's system settings.

If possible reduce size of the texts in system settings..

Best regards.

Is there any other workaround? Maybe do you plan in future versions some parameter like font size for schedulers? At the moment there's nothing we can do and the customer is dissatisfied :(

Hello Maciej,

we'll do an overhaul on the whole scaling on the software in the near future so these value should also be effected.

In the meantime, if you can tweak the words, shorten as much as you can to get the values in.

Best regards.