Under review
Hikvision AX PRO integration
Dávid Kirchhofer 2 years ago
in Devices / Http
updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 1 year ago •
I would like to know if there is any possibility to integrate the Hikvision AX Pro system into the CC controller? First of all, the system states would be important, but if the sensor states could also be integrated, that would be the real thing.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello David,
if they have an official open API for the devices/system then the integration can be done with our http/basic driver.
Best regards.
I think its doable https://www.hikvision.com/europe/support/download/sdk/ Here you can find manuals how to. I know that on home assistant forum they have done this integration already.
Have you got any experiences about this integration? Or any hikvision intercom? Thanks!
Sorry no. If I had this device I would try. But as I dont have it and none of my customers have requested it, then I dont have the time for it. I know that Ajax alarm systems is already working with bOS - hopefully soon we can release it to the public.
Ajax what? Where?
I install many Ajax systems, and I already asked for access to their "Enterprise API" without a single reply back.
Is it really coming to bOS? :D
Best regards
Sorry for OT
Yes it already works - I already have a customer who is using it too(No bad feedback yet). But I'm still having some troubles with it - like devices import and camera pictures. All the different devices the client has I have to add/import manually for now. And if there is a event with a picture I can only display the link, I cant import it or set it to camera feed or web browser links.
But arming and general info with events is working - I'm hoping to get some changes made to bOS(with bOS supports help) so I'm able to insert links to cameras/web-browsers with program.
So its coming soonish... right now I'm only testing it myself.
Yeah, sorry, I know it's off topic, but I couldn't help myself! It's been months trying to reach out Ajax.
At first, the API was only available to "large security companies installing thousands of alarms", then I found out several software companies developing for Control4, etc, so large security companies my *ss!
How the heck did you managed to get access to the Enterprise API? I can see the documentation, or at least the endpoints etc, on the API Swagger UI page, from without access to the API, I couldn't go further.
I tried to reach directly the local technical manager from Ajax, and even the superior above this guy, responsible for some countries. I even filed to the API access directly on their website. Zero answer! Even with cc with my Ajax distributor. Zero feedback, unbelievable.
I was using Paradox for too many years, with a KNX interface from a Belgian brand. But I was honestly hoping to have Ajax working with bOS.
Good work man!
Best regards
Well I work in a large security company maybe that's why I got access to it but I know at least 1 company in Estonia that also has the API access but does nothing with it and isn't active in security installs so go figure. Just try again once they answer, they seem to be also interested in it. I've sent my templates and small manuals as how to use it with bOS to them. Just needs some fine tuning.
I'm still unsure how to manage the X-API key as this is the key they don't really want to give access to the public. Should they change the API policies for regular clients or will this be only usable to "large security companies installing thousands of alarms".
Well, that's really strange then.
If they are really interested, then they don't show up any interest by ignoring this contacts.
My distributor gave me the direct contact of the local technical manager, and his superior. Right now I gave up, it doesn't make any sense.
But that's really cool that someone is actually able to move forward. Hopefully we will have official bOS + Ajax integration soon. This means, that even if we get an official integration, we will still have this problem, that's the X-API key, which is unique for each customer... damn, I really need to get my hands on a X-API key for myself.
I also know a couple of companies, who apparently have access to the API and they are not security installers also. So yeah, go figure...
Good job man.
Oh and I also used their web form for API access - had to fill out "dealer questionary" and sign a NDA for the API. It didnt happen over night - took maybe 2 months for me too.
But that's something I can deal with! I have no problem signing a NDA, I've done in the past, that's fine.
The real problem is really the lack of response, from the so called interested party. That really gets me pissed. If they are really interested in pushing the boundaries of their system with the API, then they should look actively interested rather than ignoring the contacts. Filled the questionnaire, sent e-mails to the technical manager, to his superior. Zero answer...
Without the X-API key, I won't have access, so I guess that I really need to ask for help from my distributor about this, to see if he can contact them on my behalf.
We'll see how it goes