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Jigsaw 4.8.5 weather not working

Kristián Vojčík 4 years ago in bOS Server updated by Michiel Kenis 4 years ago 10

In last update to 4.8.5 after linux update I notice that weather is not showing any values. I try reboot and readd weather but with no result.


Beta update 4.7.19 Button bug and slowing down

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in bOS Server 0


Yesterday we had reports that some of the buttons in the ventilation panel were not working. Turns out that some of them have changed the control type to lable after the server update. The template is my old vallox template that i made few years back, all the servers that are running on older version have it still set to toggle button. So it must have been the server update that changed it.

Good news is that i havent had any crashes with the latest betas,

Bad news is that i have to change the buttons control type for about 200+ apartments now. And adding a column or copying and pasting a node to it still takes up to a minute, so the server CPU load goes up to 30-50%. Making panels with a lot of nodes takes more time.

Just a FYI whoever is messing with the beta updates, that some changes may have happened to your configuration.

Best regards.

Under review

server repair --> Grinder not answering anymore

Francois Lesueur 6 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 6


I had to do a "server repair" on Grinder. 

Ended up with a dead black box : couldn't connect either to bOS, nor to Windows (remotely). 

I had to find a screen and a keyboard, to hook them up to the Grinder, and then I understood the issue : Windows was requesting the password to be changed, and it just blocked everything.

So, issue fixed. But I though it was important to write a post about it : 

- so that if you face the same problem you can easily fix it

- so that the ComfortClick people can make the black box a real black box you never have to worry about, as this was sold to me when I bought reluctantly a Windows box...

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Activate RPC in Jigsaw device

Fernando Prodoin 6 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 2

Hello! I'm trying to use the RPC Server in my Jigsaw device, but I can't find the way. I try to log into the linux configuracion of Jigsaw, but have no user and password. How can I activate the RPC Server? Thank you!!


No RPC-port started after upgrade to 4.4.0

Fredrik Sandblom 7 years ago in bOS Server updated by anonymous 6 years ago 4

Have the following values in BOSService.exe.config that have worked before upgrade to 4.4.0.

After upgrade port is not started.

    <add key="RPCServiceUri" value="http://localhost:81/" />
    <add key="EnableRPC" value="True" />


Connect directly on Jigsaw

Alexandru Dumbrava 5 days ago in bOS Server updated 4 days ago 2

Hello, I'm curious how or if i can connect jigsaw PRO directly to my laptop to configure. We have a client that don't have internet or any router in location. does the server have any default ip adress, so i could change my laptop ip, to be in the same class and to work? Thank you

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Sledgehammer - ethernet port

Ernesto Fantuzzi 2 months ago in bOS Server updated by Flavio Cicarelli Sanches 2 months ago 2


in the Sledgehammer, there are four ethernet ports, why?

They looks all similar or there is one with more funcionallity ? 

Under review

Comfort Click chart problem

zbysiusp 1 4 months ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 4 months ago 1


I'm creating a temperature line chart in Comfort Click. The input data is transferred from the heat pump via the KNX bus. The chart generates correctly, but one incorrect, random value (e.g., 20000) scales the chart so that it becomes unusable. Photos attached. Have you encountered such a problem, and how can it be solved?
Image 5168Image 5169



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Time Sever Error

APP MOD 6 months ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 6 months ago 4

Hello, my server's date and time get incorrect after every power outage. I have tried using time.windows.com, but it seems ineffective. Is there any way to automatically update the current date and time?

Image 5109

Under review

jigsaw no network connection

Luc Lanners 7 months ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 7 months ago 1


This night there was a power cut and entire current of the house was gone for a couple of seconds. Now I am unable to establish a connection to the jigsaw, do can't even find it using an ip scanner.

I've already tried to perform a network reset and factory reset, still unable to find the jigsaw using the bOS Configurator. What can I do next? Or does this mean my jigsaw is broken?

Kind regards,
