Under review

Comfort Click chart problem

zbysiusp 1 2 months ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 2 months ago 1


I'm creating a temperature line chart in Comfort Click. The input data is transferred from the heat pump via the KNX bus. The chart generates correctly, but one incorrect, random value (e.g., 20000) scales the chart so that it becomes unusable. Photos attached. Have you encountered such a problem, and how can it be solved?
Image 5168Image 5169



Under review


do you have any calculations set for these values? In some cases, we might get these strange anomalies in values when we have calculations and we calculate values wrongly.

But in general the analog log, simply displays values that come from the set Input value... If you check the log in the configurator, do you see those strange values appear in the datalog there?

Best regards.