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Consumption Report

Jefferson Santos 8 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 1

Hi, i wold like to know if there's an way to send automatically a Consumption Report of a previous selected period of time to a e-mail addres, containing the graphs and some other informations. For instance, the bOS itself would send me monthly reports of each log that i need.



ComfortClick Support 8 years ago


it is possible to send reports to e-mail address but in simple format (e.g. sum of previous month consumption), it is not possible to send graphs. You can include html code in your e-mail report to make it look nicer.

Please check the example on this link:




restore configuration after crash

Daniel Dellham 8 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 3

Is there any way to restore a configuration that has been lost/corrupted during a server crash? Unfortunately the last backup file is two month old, and a lot of configurations has been done since than...

I can not log in with the old user details, and when logging in with User/Pass it´s a clean new configuration.

And can you do a automatic backup of the configuration file (going forward)? Will it work to let windows or other backup program just copy the building/configuration.bin file regularly while the server is running?

Under review

Time Server

Giordano Olmi 8 years ago in bOS Server updated 8 years ago 2

Hello, I contact you because I can not use the Time Server properly.

Imposed the correct Time Zone, but the server does not display the correct time.
It remains unaligned -2 hours.
I tried to set another time server but it is not allowed.
Remains stored in Time Default Server (time.windows.com).

If possible I would also use the server to send the update of the date and time on BAS KNX.
How can it be done?



Not a bug

Unable to start HTTPS service on non-standard port

Adam Zanto 8 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 3

I'm trying to run bOS server on specific tcp/ip ports. i.e. http on 9080, https on 9443. According to manual i have edited BOSService.exe.config as follows:

<add key="EventServiceUri" value="net.tcp://localhost:16100/" />
<add key="HttpsServiceUri" value="https://localhost:9443/" />
<add key="HttpServiceUri" value="http://localhost:9080/" />
<add key="RPCServiceUri" value="http://localhost:81/" />
<add key="EnableRPC" value="True" />
<add key="ClientSettingsProvider.ServiceUri" value="" />

But https connection does not work, http works fine. Changing back to 443 brigns it back.

I have already tried other ports, firewall is disabled. Checked on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008 without success.

ComfortClick Support 8 years ago


please try to stop the bOS Server and delete the ComfortClick certificate in Windows mmc and start bOS Server back.


RPC communication not working

MyName MySurname 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by Tilen Suhadolnik 8 years ago 17


I am trying to test the RPC functionality of the bOS server with the postman tool. When I try to send a post request as described in the manual to call a function (please note that the .net test file link at the manual page does not work so I cannot see more detail/examples), I am always getting an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." response. The Any idea what I am doing wrong? RPC is enabled in the server service configuration file.

Thank you in advance

Tilen Suhadolnik 9 years ago


Thank you for notifying us about broken link. The RPC demo client can be downloaded here:


Please let us know if you have any more questions.

Best regards,



http request error connecting to device

Christiaens Filip 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 5

After the last server update all of a sudden my http requests (GET) give an error Bos server reconnects to the device but no request can be processed.


latest problem, license...

Andy Gill 9 years ago in bOS Server updated 9 years ago 4

Hello Jure,

I'm now unable to use anything as my server has decided it's not registered, when I then try and register It tells me the machine is already registered?

Could you assist urgently as this has left me without control of a number of things.


Sun time

Jérôme Carannante Carannante 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 3


I'm in France, and the "sun" component don't give the good hour. Since the change to winter time there is a delay of one hour.

how can I do to solve this problem?

I have the version 3.9.10.



Basic Li​cens become Demo Licens agen

Jens Mikkelsen 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1

i got a bOS V.3.0.76. Sometime my Basic Licens become Demo Licens agen. Then i need to restart my bOS service. Whats wrung?

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago

Please contact us on support@comfortclick.com and send us license ID.

Under review

Weather doesn’t work

Marco Magnani 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 8 years ago 2


After the bos server last update the Weather doesn’t work anymore. I did a page with my city weather but it doesn’t update anymore: it shows the same data (temperature, meteo forecast wind speed, etc)

