
RPC communication not working

MyName MySurname 8 years ago in bOS Server updated by Tilen Suhadolnik 8 years ago 17


I am trying to test the RPC functionality of the bOS server with the postman tool. When I try to send a post request as described in the manual to call a function (please note that the .net test file link at the manual page does not work so I cannot see more detail/examples), I am always getting an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." response. The Any idea what I am doing wrong? RPC is enabled in the server service configuration file.

Thank you in advance




Thank you for notifying us about broken link. The RPC demo client can be downloaded here:


Please let us know if you have any more questions.

Best regards,



Support is good and relative prompt. Thank you

Satisfaction mark by MyName MySurname 8 years ago
Under review


we will check and if it's a bug we will try to fix it as soon as possible.


Thank you, please also restore the link to the example file (.NET C# Sample code http://www.comfortclick.com/BOS/Util/RPCClient.zip) at the bottom of the BOS server manual page, or just send me an plain RPC example http line request that works with the current server release.

Thank you in advance




Thank you for notifying us about broken link. The RPC demo client can be downloaded here:


Please let us know if you have any more questions.

Best regards,


Thank you for the new link. Have you check my original question if it is a bug or not?

Thank you in advance.



Download (and build) the RPCClient and try to call the function there. If it works, then you are probably sending incorrect messages (with the postman tool).


Thank you, I've tried some tests the RPCClient with the latest server version and it's working now.



Hi, even though at the previous build it was working normally, the last build 4.2.7 seems to broke the RPC server communication. I am getting a return message:"No parameterless constructor defined for this object" when I am trying to call the function "SendNotification" for a specific user device (ios client) from the RPCClient. Can you please check it? thanks

Another strange thing with the new build is that if I call the function "SendPush" for the parent "User" object, the server message is then "OK" but again the notification is not presented to the client device...


if you are getting "No parameterless constructor defined for this object" message while calling SendNotification, it is probably that you have forgotten to add apostrophes around the message.

Here is the example for sending the notification to Android device from RPC:

If you are having problems with receiving the notification message to your device (not related to RPC), then please open another topic.

Best regards,


Adding apostrophes to the message text was what needed, thank you Tilen!

Best regards

Hi. The RPC was working without any problems for a couple of months, up until a week ago. Since then, I am unable to send any notification to any of my iOS devices (nothing changed or touched on my end). Is there a problem going on or something to do with the new 4.2.9 update?


did that happened after you updated your bOS server?

What error message did you get?

Check that you have set "EnableRPC" to true in BOSService.exe.config file.

Hello, It seems that it happened before the update... The strange thing is that I am not getting any error message either sending it through the RPC demo program or through the bos config itself. The only thing I remember seeing in the logs some day was something about "The request channel timed out" or similar, has this anything to do with push notifications (one-way communication)?

I have also checked that the config file has the line <add key="EnableRPC" value="True">. As I said, it was working correctly and it just suddenly stopped working without touch anything from my side!

There might be a problem on your side. We tested it and it works.

Check your firewall settings, use Wireshark and see if the packets are received.

Or try to install bOS server on other machine with clean configuration and test it there.

Ok I will do that, just one more question to help me troubleshoot the issue. Does your internal sendnotification procedure, waits to get an acknowledgement from Apple servers to verify and respond that the notification was send ok or not?


No. The send notification procedure does not check that.