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Marco Magnani 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1


I installed last Bos version and I tried to understand the license that I need and teh system showed me 531 nodes... Thsi is strange to me as long as my is a very symle project.

The problem is that when I started a new project (selecting the button new on the top right icon (the 3 parallel lines)) it show me that I m using 428 nodes without any my configuration

Why? How are you counting the node?



Daylight saving times

Mattis Nilsson 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 3


The server service does not seem to sync time with computer time. It seems that server has to be restarted before time is beeing synced. Is there a easy way to fix this? I use ComfortClick as Master Time where KNX is used to distribute time for clocks at an industry. They want the time to be correct at all times.


I managed to partially integrate "SONOS" bOS

David Guillen 10 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 5
With a separate Web server installed on the same machine Bos. I got on / off and raise / lower the music of "SONOS" applications.

bOS Beta (3.9) license error

ComfortClick Support 9 years ago in bOS Server updated 9 years ago 1
With a latest update of bOS beta version 3.9 some licenses could become corrupted. The invalid license error is displayed in bOS Client. In case of this error the manual server restart is required. This will restore the original license. After the license is restored, upgrade to latest version (3.9.1) is recomended.

RPC JSON service setValue of string variable does not work with text

Christiaens Filip 9 years ago in bOS Server updated 8 years ago 3


When I use the RPC JSON service to set the value of a string variable, it does not work with text like "blah blah". I can set an integer to the same variable without any problems.



Upgrading from 3.0.76 to bOS 4

Brent Broge 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1

Hi, I'm trying to upgrade but I get an error when installing. "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'BOSServerSetup.msi' in the box below.

Then I get: The older version of bOS Server cannot be removed. Contact your technical support group.

Any ideas?


Sun Mode not changed

Jérôme Carannante Carannante 9 years ago in bOS Server updated by Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 3 weeks ago 17

Since this morning the mode is fix. The value at this time is Night.

How can I do a refresh of values?

Under review

unsuccessfull uninstall old version

ng dahlen 10 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 9 years ago 1
The unisintall process of old version of ComfortClick isn´t working. I
also tried to install the new bOS, but it also failed in the uninstall
process of old version. I have tried on two different computers and after upgrading to Win10. How can I uninstall everything manually, so I can install the new version?

Function calendar

Doctore Esparta 3 years ago in bOS Server updated by Maximilian Rauch 3 years ago 3

Good morning.

I have a project for the lighting of the common areas of a commercial gallery. Depending on the day (Working, Holiday, Holiday with opening, Half day opening, etc) I have up to 7 different possibilities of executing the function.

The question is. Do you know of any way to be able to establish a calendar in a Grinder at least one month in advance where you can assign what type of function corresponds to that day and autonomously execute the function assigned to that day?

Could it be even being able to read some external file?

I would appreciate an example that you have implemented.

Greetings to everyone.