Under review

Activate RPC in Jigsaw device

Fernando Prodoin 6 years ago in bOS Server updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 2

Hello! I'm trying to use the RPC Server in my Jigsaw device, but I can't find the way. I try to log into the linux configuracion of Jigsaw, but have no user and password. How can I activate the RPC Server? Thank you!!

Hello again!

Is there any way? Or it is only for the Windows Server?

Thank you! Best regards


Under review


apologies for delayed response, RPC service can be used on your Jigsaw device, however you do not have permission to enter/edit linux settings on your Jigsaw.

If you want to use the RPC service, you would need to open port 22 on your jigsaw and provide me with the access ID or public ip to the Jigsaw.

You can provide these informations to: david.boben@comfortclick.com

Best regards.