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bOS client whith Android TV box

Pablo Lopez 4 years ago in bOS Client 0

I have installed the bOS client on 3 different Android TV boxes and with all 3 there is the same problem: I can only see the start screen. The visualization is perfect but when I click with the cursor on the icons it does nothing. just as if the click did not work. I can't activate anything or change the screen. Does this have any "tricks"?

Thanks, greetings

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Problem to open app bOS Client with iPhone 11 Pro

Pablo Lopez 4 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1

I have a client with 2 iPhones that cannot open the app. You have uninstalled it several times and it is not working for you. However, I can open it perfectly (I have Android). It happens on his smartphone and his wife's.

There are two iPhone 11 Pro with software version 14.3.

Please give me a hand because I don't know what to say to him anymore.

Thanks a lot. Greetings

Under review

Jigsaw Z-Wave and latest version

Francois Lesueur 4 years ago in bOS Server updated 4 years ago 6


I'm getting very very frequent errors (several times / day) on : 

  • Z-Wave external device (not the built-in device which I do not use) : Error connecting to device. Failed to re-send
  • Global Caché IP devices : Error connecting to device. No Ack

This starts happening since I updated my Jigsaw Z-Wave to 4.5. Continued in 4.8.8

They reconnect almost immediately ; but of course a few Z-Wave or GC orders are not executed while they are disconnected. So that's a big issue. 

I'm also using Grinder and Jigsaw KNX : I don't have any issues on these servers which have similar configs (but V 4.7.0)

I was wondering if there were any support issues with the Jigsaw Z-Wave that you are not selling anymore ? 

Can you help me fixing these issues ? 



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Update Jigsaw offline

Estel Ing 4 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1


Is possible update a Jigsaw server without internet connection? 

Under review

jigsaw misplaced objects in windows 10

Antonio Villalba 4 years ago in bOS Client updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 1

Hi everybody, i have a problem with the BosClient App running in Windows 10.

Some svg objects (created by me) for a jigsaw server looks misplaced in the App but ok when i reach the server from a web browser, but only on my pc. If i run the bos client in my phone or tablet (IOS) everything are in place.

I think that this is a problem between the software Linux and windows because when i use the same svg objects in a server who runs on windows, they works perfect.

I need help please.



Martin Schär 4 years ago in Devices / Http updated 4 years ago 0

I would like to make an http request with ComfortClick. Postmann's RAW output looks like this:

Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------882484731951074462757395
Content-Length: 238
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="message"
Content-Type: application/json
{"general":"Nachricht Test","language":"de"}

Is that possible in ComfortClick?

Can I disable error messages?

Marcin Żółkiewski 4 years ago in bOS Client updated 4 years ago 2

Can I disable error messages in the client view?

Image 2996


Access KNX over TCP

Kristián Vojčík 4 years ago in Devices / KNX 0


I am trying to solve issue where I have KNX bus behind NAT with static public IP and forwarding is working, but UDP protocol is blocked by provider. (I called the provider, they told me there is nothing they can do, I know is stupid, so here we go) So I standing in front of issue that I cannot connect to KNX bus because is only over UDP port. Is here anybody who already solve this issue and is willing share the solution?

PS.: On site Jigsaw is not an option because is only two thermostat that controll two rooms. Time to time disconnection is acceptable because of NAT connection.

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Adding LG device

Paulo Rodrigues 4 years ago in bOS Configurator / Devices updated 4 years ago 2

When I try to add the LG TV device into bos, the Panel Functions and Numbers nodes are not automatically added under the main node!

I have a Jigsaw with the latest software update.

Best Regards

Paulo Rodrigues

Under review

Update v4.8.7

Marco Antonio Fernandes 4 years ago in General updated by ComfortClick Support 4 years ago 9

Good morning everyone!

Our partner [integrator] upgraded the software to v4.8.7, however iOS phones are unable to access the system. In the case of Android phones, access remains normal.

Has anyone encountered this problem? Any suggestions on how to proceed to solve the problem?
