Description for all settings
i'm looking for a manual which describes all setting. (for example: Alexa API settings)
I like Jigsaw really. But for a newbee it takes a lot of time to figure out how something work's.
In the example of Alexa on the WebSite with light is for my opinion the simples way.
But how it works with slidingdoors. Which settings i habe to choose?
It's some demo's yes, but they are not state of the newest version of bos-configurator.
Kind regards
Modbus TCP on bOS
Dear Ad,
How many external devices can be connected to a set of bOS via the Modbus TCP communication standard?
Thank & Best Regards
Input string
Hi to all.
Does anybody knows why this message appears to my server every one minute? What does this means?
( Devices : 9/5/2021 7:37:00 μμ : Alert : Server : Input string was not in a correct format.)
Authentication disabled: no way to connect to Jigsaw
Good afternoon,
I try to set the parameter (in "Users") Authentication -> Enabled to False. But since this time, I don't have access to the server.
Why, and how to login again?
Thanks a lot
Convert hex to decimal
I have data that is in HEX but I want to dispay them as decimal is there any function for this? I have not found anything.
And another question; is it possible to enable/disable an device through a command or variable?
The device I am currently working on only has the communication port open for about 20 seconds than it closes resulting in many connected/disconnected messages.
I would like to enable the device, send the command, get an response then disable the device.
Using Node Control
i try to use node control like shown in the Demo, to control settings of our heat.
i do not find any way how this work in my bos control.
in the demo, if i will add an object, it shows node control. in my development
it shows only panel link. so what do i wrong.
hope anyone can help me.
Weather default
Hey, Is there any issue with the weather ad-hoc service in BoS, this has suddenly started to happen with no changes whatsoever.
Everspring SP816
I would like to use an Everspring SP816 outdoor motion detector.
I can include it into the Z-Wave network, but then status remains "NotConfigured" and nothing is working - can't even get the battery status. Is it not supported ?
I'm also getting an error message when looking at parameters :
« La référence d’objet n’est pas définie à une instance d’un objet »
Sorry, it's French, but even in French it doesn't make much sense to me :-(
If you don't support this device, what OUTDOOR motion detector do you support ?
How to activate bOS Pro lisence for Win10 bOS revoked before.
I installed bOS to Win10 for trial license bofore and it was revoked now.
And I bought bOS PRO license, I want to activate this bOS by the bOS Pro license.
Please let me know how to activate
Exit command
Hi everyone,
i was wondering when closing a programm in bOS server if exit command should be used. It works in both cases (with and without exit).
As it starts with a default Start command, an exit command at the end will free the allocated memory or is it not necessary?
Best regards,
Charis Meidanis
Customer support service by UserEcho