Under review

Everspring SP816

Francois Lesueur 3 years ago in Devices / Z-Wave updated 3 years ago 3


I would like to use an Everspring SP816 outdoor motion detector. 

I can include it into the Z-Wave network, but then status remains "NotConfigured" and nothing is working - can't even get the battery status. Is it not supported ? 

I'm also getting an error message when looking at parameters : 

« La référence d’objet n’est pas définie à une instance d’un objet »

Sorry, it's French, but even in French it doesn't make much sense to me :-(

If you don't support this device, what OUTDOOR motion detector do you support ? 



Under review


have you tried reincluding your device? 

Sometimes if the status remains "Not Configured" you need to press the inclusion button again and it should work.

Best regards


On the function tab, click the node info, and then wake up the device. This is usually a solution

Thank you for your answers. 

I'm not on site anymore. I'll try your suggestions in a couple of months when I'm back.