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1000 separator decimal point on/off option

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by Kristián Vojčík 3 years ago 2


Is it possible to remove it? Because some of our building managers dont understand it and im tired of explaining that to them every month. 

As an example: when bOS sends out meter values it adds a decimal point if the value is over 1000. to 1,000. Correct decimal point is actually dot . now they want me to change it so the actual decimal point i (,) and remove the 1000 separator. 

Haven't found a option for this.



Program for monitoring 330+ registers

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated 5 years ago 3


I'm trying to make a program that monitors 330+ modbus statuses for alarms. If any of those registers are true it should change the common alarm status. If i add just one register it works well.

Image 2419

But i don't know how to monitor them all with one program, it seems like it works with the last register only if i add them all in.

Image 2420

I also tried to make it just with IF commands and last one was else. But had same problem that it wouldn't recognize the middle statuses. Also tried to make two separate program one that turns the status off and one that turns it on, and i think they cancel themself out. 

So how would you monitor so many registers?



Fix graphs Y axis

Kristián Vojčík 5 years ago in bOS Client updated by Paul G 4 years ago 2

Hello. I have got few complain from users that graphs looks so different from each other in way that some have lets say 1 °C of resolution and some has 0.000001 °C of resolution. So my question is about if ti is possible to set fix "prescale" to Y axis to stop it from autoadjust which is great in some case. Thanks. 

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Adding objects in scenes

Ricardo Pinto | visiontech pt 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 5

Hello everyone,

Is it just me, or does inserting objects in scenes can become a nightmare???

When creating a scene on bOS, and inserting objects on the configurator, it gets slower depending on how many objects you insert.


If you create a scene with just a couple of objects that's ok. But if you try to add like 20, 40 objects, the more you insert, the more the software freezes and you need to wait several seconds before adding a new object.

Right now I have a scene with 26 objects. If I add a new one, it lets me choose the object, the software freezes, and it took at least 16s until I was able to click the Add button again...

This happens to me all the time, when creating long scenes. The more objects you insert, the slower in gets.

Heeeeeeeelp! I'm almost cutting my wrists...

Under review

Modbus error handling new features

Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago in Devices / Modbus updated by ComfortClick Support 11 months ago 8


I had a small problem with modbus connection that seemed to be all fine(Was connected and no errors in debug), but actually it didn't update values, but i had the error handling setting set to hide. 

Now here's my question if it's set to hide and there is some error does it drop the connection? Or will it still reconnect after the error just doesn't log the error?

I was looking at the diagnostics/debug and it didn't show me any timeouts but it looked like it only was asking 1 register for updates. after i disabled it and re-enabled it started to talk to me again(Started to poll/update all the registers). So right now i left the error handling to reconnect.(Only reason i left it in hide mode was so i could test registers that didn't respond for some reason, now i just turned off cyclical read on them) Modbus connection was "offline" for 2 days.

Also it would be awesome if we could disable/enable modbus driver from the visualization too,  I haven't found a way to do it. We can see the status of the driver that's it.



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alexa not responding

Adi Shamir 5 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago 16

Hello, I have all my KNX devices at home connected via BOS to Alexa - about 70 devices. All worked well, until suddenly Alexa stopped responding to all devices. i.e. - When I ask Alexa to 'turn on' a device, it says that the device is not responding - this is the same situation with all my KNX devices. To clarify, BOS works well from the app and also Alexa works well with other devices not connected via BOS. Any idea?


KNX import status adress

bravida brasys 5 years ago in Devices / KNX updated by Jürgen Jürgenson 5 years ago 2

Are there any fast way to input status adresses when importing from KNX or is typing them in manually the way to go?



Under review


Jose Piñanez 5 years ago in bOS Configurator updated by ComfortClick Support 5 years ago 1
I have problems with Alexa, I could link everything, but at the time of giving the command of "Alexa turn on the lights" my Bos Configurator closes and Alexa replies that no lights do not respond that could be the problem?
Under review

HUE problems with latest version

Andy Gill 6 years ago in Devices / HUE updated by ComfortClick Support 6 years ago 5

Since the latest release was installed I'm having issues with my Hue lighting, if I send any hue commands from BOS I lose the whole hue system, the hue switches no longer work and the lights come on and off randomly (possible delayed from switch operation). I have to reset the hue bridge and then the hue switches work again. and all is fine until I send another command via BOS.