Under review

LG Tv connection, NO ACK

Jef Wijns 5 years ago updated by ComfortClick Support 12 months ago 48

when i try to connect my lg tv i get the following out message in my visu.

Image 2440

he first time I allowed this on my lg tv...

With friendly greetings

Under review


can you provide additional information regarding your TV? What model is it? Do you have both IP and MAC set under your LG TV settings?

Best regards.


There was another thread/topic on this where i posted my TV's info also but i'll try here again. I have the same No-ACK error. 
TV is LG55SJ850V Software version is 05.80.55. Both ip and mac fields are in place and ive confirmed the linking many times on the tv. 

Best regards


Here you can find all the info, i dont now how to get akc.

I know probably it's a stupid question... but on your device, the Enable option is currently False.

Have you turned it on?

Best regards

Yes I turned it on already but turned it off after it didn't work because I get an error all the time that there is no ACK in my visu.
That's why I turned it off

not a stupid question, it could have been;)


I have had the same problem for a long time

Thanks for your respond! I hope they can solve it!


when you try to connect to the TV using bOS, there should be a pop up message on the TV, you need to confirm it in order to make the connection work. Make sure the TV is on and ready to connect when you try to control it with bOS and make sure you confirm the connection on the TV.

Best regards.

i already have comfirm this messgade but it does not help

I have the same problem.
This is not a TV problem because the NODE-RED control works correctly...

Best regards.

I have the same problem. Older LG tv works fine, on newer models "NO ACK" error message. :(

Hey, have you tried it with the new beta update too? My Tv still gets some no ack's but it works when its connected. Turning on the Tv works better than turning it off, at least with Alexa, its able to turn it on, but when the driver is not connected i usually open bOS app and turn it off from there.

Hello! Yes im on 4.7.19 still not work. 

Ive got a new LG tv to test with. Model nr CX. bOS is able to turn it on sometimes(I have connected it with Alexa thru bOS, and its able to turn it On when i command it), but not Off, even from bOS dedicate buttons. Input selection(and other buttons) does not work either. And still it reconnect after 30 sec.

With my older model SJ850 bOS dedicated buttons worked better. At least i could change the inputs and turn it off or on, select netflix etc.
Seems like LG have changed something in their newer model.

For me the On command is good enough right now, if i remember to set the off timer when i leave...

Best regards

I've noticed two weird bugs again. When the LG device/driver is disconnected, Alexa is still able to turn the TV on. Yesterday i had problem that my tv would randomly turn back on after 30 sec when i turned it Off from the remote, after that i disabled LG device/driver from bOS i was able to turn the tv off again and it stayed like that. But alexa still could turn it On even though it shouldn't be able to connect to it. 

16:36 is when i told Alexa im home.

We have the same problem - after restoring the factory configuration, we accepted remote connection from the comfortclick on the LG pop-up, but in the comfortclick we have still NO ACK status.

Do you have any proposition how to solve this issue?




did the LG device work in the past and now stopped working or did you have issues with it from the start? Also, did you fill out both IP and MAC address of the device?

Best regards,

I'm getting the same issue, accept the connection on the TV but just continually connects and disconnects (No Ack)

Looks like the same issue that's been going on for months!

Hi, i have the same problem

The model is 55" LG 55NANO796NE


were you able to get the LG tv when pressing discovery button and connect to it? Also, did you confirm the pop up message on  the TV as well?

Also make sure both IP and MAC address are filled out.

Best regards.


I've done all those steps that you mentioned, with both LG tv's SJ850 and CX, Both have had the No Ack from the start. 
But with the CX model only button that works for me now is the Turn ON - Off doesn't work anymore and other buttons do nothing(they all worked with SJ850). 

I have turned the driver off, so it wont spam the errors, but it is still able to turn ON the TV with Alexa - even if driver is disabled. (Alexa just turns the boolean switch on/off that is linked with the LG drivers on/off command)

If needed we can do some tests with my LG CX. (i gave the SJ850 away, so right now we cant test it)


yes i have done all them but i have problem yet 



we'll take a closer look into the No Ack problem and try to find a solution asap.

@jürgen we'll be in contact if some remote session would be required.

Best regards,


@comfortclick have you made any progress with this issue?


is your TV on when no ACK error appears? This error should occur only when the TV is turned OFF, as bOS doesn't get any reply from the TV.

While these errors are occurring, can you control the TV at all using our remote?

We are also updating the current version of LG tv that it's in bOS, so there should be less issues with newer TV's once the driver update is done.

Best regards, 


yea tv is on, and I can acknowledge the connection on the TV but stil get no ack in Bos.

no control is possible.

Has the driver update happened as still not working for me on the latest release?


did you update to the latest 4.8.14 version? We made some changes on the driver and it should improve the stability and overall performance. Please let us know your feedback regarding the communication.

Best regards.


I did update it yesterday but it still disconnected with the no ack error, and buttons did not work. Its able to turn it on still but not off.

I still get no Ack error and no control, the search does find the IP but not the mac, but I add that manually and accept on the TV but no change.



the LGTV fixes unfortunately didn't make it to this update, they will be available in the next bOS update.

Best regards,

Same issue with my LG. Using  4.8.14 version

Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:56 PM : Devices\LG TV : Exception : Exception : [ErrorConnecting] No Ack
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:56 PM : Devices\LG TV : Info : Reconnect : No Ack
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:56 PM : Devices\LG TV : Exception : NoAck : 7B-22-69-64-22-3A-22-47-65-74-43-68-61-6E-6E-65-6C-22-2C-22-74-79-70-65-22-3A-22-72-65-71-75-65-73-74-22-2C-22-75-72-69-22-3A-22-73-73-61-70-3A-2F-2F-74-76-2F-67-65-74-43-75-72-72-65-6E-74-43-68-61-6E-6E-65-6C-22-2C-22-70-61-79-6C-6F-61-64-22-3A-6E-75-6C-6C-7D
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Write : GetChannel : {"id":"GetChannel","type":"request","uri":"ssap://tv/getCurrentChannel","payload":null}
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Exception : Exception : [DeviceConnected]
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Info : Debug : Received client key: 202c193fdc07141c2c75c68c3faf78b3.
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Info : Debug : Received: {"type":"registered","id":"register_0","payload":{"client-key":"202c193fdc07141c2c75c68c3faf78b3"}}
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Read : Receive : {"type":"registered","id":"register_0","payload":{"client-key":"202c193fdc07141c2c75c68c3faf78b3"}}
Debug : 4/8/2021 7:18:53 PM : Devices\LG TV : Write : Authenticate : {"id":"register_0","payload":{"forcePairing":false,"manifest":{"appVersion":"1.1","manifestVersion":1,"permissions":["LAUNCH","LAUNCH_WEBAPP","APP_TO_APP","CLOSE","TEST_OPEN","TEST_PROTECTED","CONTROL_AUDIO","CONTROL_DISPLAY","CONTROL_INPUT_JOYSTICK","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_RECORDING","CONTROL_INPUT_MEDIA_PLAYBACK","CONTROL_INPUT_TV","CONTROL_POWER","READ_APP_STATUS","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_INPUT_DEVICE_LIST","READ_NETWORK_STATE","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_TV_CHANNEL_LIST","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_TOAST","READ_POWER_STATE","READ_COUNTRY_INFO","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD"],"signatures":[{"signature":"eyJhbGdvcml0aG0iOiJSU0EtU0hBMjU2Iiwia2V5SWQiOiJ0ZXN0LXNpZ25pbmctY2VydCIsInNpZ25hdHVyZVZlcnNpb24iOjF9.hrVRgjCwXVvE2OOSpDZ58hR+59aFNwYDyjQgKk3auukd7pcegmE2CzPCa0bJ0ZsRAcKkCTJrWo5iDzNhMBWRyaMOv5zWSrthlf7G128qvIlpMT0YNY+n/FaOHE73uLrS/g7swl3/qH/BGFG2Hu4RlL48eb3lLKqTt2xKHdCs6Cd4RMfJPYnzgvI4BNrFUKsjkcu+WD4OO2A27Pq1n50cMchmcaXadJhGrOqH5YmHdOCj5NSHzJYrsW0HPlpuAx/ECMeIZYDh6RMqaFM2DXzdKX9NmmyqzJ3o/0lkk/N97gfVRLW5hA29yeAwaCViZNCP8iC9aO0q9fQojoa7NQnAtw==","signatureVersion":1}],"signed":{"appId":"com.lge.test","created":"20140509","permissions":["TEST_SECURE","CONTROL_INPUT_TEXT","CONTROL_MOUSE_AND_KEYBOARD","READ_INSTALLED_APPS","READ_LGE_SDX","READ_NOTIFICATIONS","SEARCH","WRITE_SETTINGS","WRITE_NOTIFICATION_ALERT","CONTROL_POWER","READ_CURRENT_CHANNEL","READ_RUNNING_APPS","READ_UPDATE_INFO","UPDATE_FROM_REMOTE_APP","READ_LGE_TV_INPUT_EVENTS","READ_TV_CURRENT_TIME"],"serial":"2f930e2d2cfe083771f68e4fe7bb07","vendorId":"com.lge"}},"pairingType":"PROMPT","client-key":"202c193fdc07141c2c75c68c3faf78b3"},"type":"register"}

Is it possible to have a bit more info on each update on the release notes so we know what has changed, we can just comment on the relevant updates then.


Hello Andy,

we will trying to add release notes under the updates for our future releases to clarify changes/improvements and bug fixes with every release.

The new update should contain improvements on the LGTV driver so you can try and test it out now.

Best regards.

Hi There CCsupport,

Yes the connection now works in the latest release 4.8.15, I'll take a closer look tonight.




For me the TV's controls work now when its connected, but i still see some disconnects right after it gets connected it gives me the "Error connecting to device error" not the No ack it used to gave me. Those disconnect are not coming from the lan/ethernet side imo - as i can ping the TV or use its internet services(Netflix, youtube etc) all day long without any disconnects or packets loss.

Few things i also noticed - When i tried to do a new discovery, when the driver was connected at that moment the discovery button gave me this error. If the driver was disconnected it found my TV.

When i select the newly found ip from the list it turns the mac address to xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx and starts spiting new errors. If i change it too xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx manually then it works again. 

TLTR: So it seems like it stays connected for 3-4 sec then it disconnects. Otherwise it works better now - All buttons functioned, bOS turned it Off and On, tho i had to press the button multiple times to get it back On(my timing was not right so the driver was disconnected when i pressed it)

Edit: I fiddled with it some more and yeah. I can control it when its connected so 3 sec time window to send out commands. Not great and ive not been able to figure it out why it disconnects. ALSO it turns my TV on automatically after i turn it off, as soon as the driver is connected again.

Best regards


I found the cause why my bOS kept disconnecting. I had made a boolean button and a program for Alexa. If i disabled the program the driver stays connected. Now everything works - even Alexa work though in my mind it shouldnt... 

Thanks for fixing the LG driver!


Tahnk you for the update, now it works!

I have problem yet. Any update?

What is the problem? Other than the OK/select button does not work, everything else works for my LG CX. TV turns on and off, and no more No ack spam in the logs - tho i still get some random disconnect with the no ack but much less than before.

please find attach my photo above

hi, all work ok the only problem is the ok button , not working yet

LG TV not working again. Why?

LG updated its websocket ports etc. I've reported it 3 months ago. I found out that the websocket now requires a secure connection on port 3001 . The update 04.50.50 "broke" all smart home drivers.
With my LG CX it its able to turn it on with bOS still, but not off or control other functions. 

yes and my TV the same, only turn on...


we're already working a solution for the new WebOS updates and you should see improvements with the new update.

Best regards.