How to rename a device with the same model as user
If A user add an extra device but with the model-type, it is not show a separate device in de list under that User
How can a User change the name so it shows as separate?
Going to settings on the device does not allow to change the name.

Victron GX device integration
Hi all,
Is there any Victron GX device integration with bOS?
Victron is integrated with Home Assitant using MQTT.
The communication layer between HA and Victron GX (which in turn talks to all the Victron gear, on the Victron Network) is via MQTT. (additional ModBus reading: https://www.victronenergy.com/live/ccgx:modbustcp_faq)

Jigsaw issues after power loss
Hello, i am having issues with jigsaw after power loss. The green LED is on for Power, KNX and warning LEDs are off. Issue is that holding power button does nothing, cant reset it with 1s press, cant shut it down or reset network. Device just stays in same state no matter what. Only thing that works is a power cycle by disconencting power supply. Super annoying to do everytime it happens. Any solutions?

Comfortclick power supply
I will try to describe the problem as best as I can.
So we have installed ComfortClick module in the electrical cabinet. And everything was working fine ( for around 8 months). Last 2 months module ConmfortClick went offline 2 times (we do not know why). Every other module in the electrical cabinet was online expect ComfortClick.
Then we did reset the power supply (via fuse) which did not solve the problem.
By disconnecting and reconnecting the ComfortClick's power supply connector, we did manage to solve the problem and bring ComfortClick back online.
So I have few questions:
1. What could be the reasons that ComfortClick suddenly lost connection and went offline?
2. Why did we need to reset comfortclick power supply by disconnecting and then reconnecting his power supply connector? Why wasn't it enough to reset the power supply via the fuse?

delay in scene
i want to make some scenes to control the blinds. but i have a corner where the blinds can come in to contact when they are moving together,
i want to add a delay between the commands of the 2 blinds
How can i do this?
The last blind should be delayed 2minutes

after updating firmware Colibir controller not connecting with configurator what to do is firmware crashed?.... what to do

Energy Management / Load Shedding
Had anyone made some control to shed ( disable) loads based on the max power the instalation can take from grid ?
Working on a project where it will installed electrical underground heating floor , and im looking for the right solution to make this control.

Set maximum light power
I'm trying to set a default value for my DALI lights at 50% on evenings (like starting 4 pm until 8am on winter, 5 until 7am on summer) and otherwise 30% during the day (8am to 4pm on winter, and 7am to 5pm on summer). Is it possible to do that without touching KNX?
I have been trying to look for a solution, but cannot find it.

I set images for the buttons in the visualization. By default, the silhouette of the images is visible and they become black when turned on, this works everywhere.
I changed this to default to black. But there is a button where, when turned on, the silhouette appears as I wanted, and there is one where it does not change, it remains the same black.
Why is this so?
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