delay in scene

stephen andries 6 months ago in General updated 5 months ago 10


i want to make some scenes to control the blinds. but i have a corner where the blinds can come in to contact when they are moving together,

i want to add a delay between the commands of the 2 blinds

How can i do this? 

The last blind should be delayed 2minutes 

Image 4984


There is only a general delay per scene not per devices.

Image 4985

I would make separate scene for blinds and add your delay there - Then for its trigger add the general scene tasks state. So if you run the general scene it would also run the Blinds scene with your delay.  

hello Jurgen, thanks for the tip

i could do it like that, but the problem is that i'm unable to change the value of that delayed blind.

if i put them all under the same scene, i'm able to press the coghwheel, and change the value's of all blinds.

But if i place that delayed blind in another scene, it will not show that blind 

Image 4986

Well yes you need to add them both on the Theme and configure the new scene separately. My idea was that if you have a General scene that has lights, setpoint and devices etc then you can make a separate for blinds(It will then be triggered with the general scene). It's not possible to link together scenes or configure different scenes from once place as of now.

For example - if you need to control the office blinds with a delay.
Leave the Office left side in the old scene. And the right side add to a new one - add the 2 minute delay and for its trigger put the old scenes state - If its true the new blind should move with a delay then.

Hey there,

A potential solution is to go through a task rather than a scene... Not as nice, but you should be able to achieve what you are looking for.

hi Fabien. at first i also thought about making a program. but it's difficult to make the settings adjustable for the user in the visualisation. When using a scene, the user can easily adjust the settings

You can also make the program's settings adjustable, but it requires a bit more work. You need to create separate double variables for each blind these will be the scenes settings. Then, add a Set value from the program, and for the blinds' position value, make it equal to your newly created double value (your blinds scene value). Then make a control panel for the settings so you can show them on the theme.

I was too lazy to make a proper demo but the idea is the same. Think as the "Double sissepuhe" in the picture is your Actual blind position. Now link/add the Value to the scenes double and it will make them equal if the program is running.

Image 5016

Image 5049

i tried to make a second scene that's triggerd by the first one, so i can still let the user edit the values.

But the original scene "avond" doesn't trigger the secondary scene "avond keuken".

I set it to 1minute (60000 milliseconds) and these triggers:

Image 5050

It wont trigger it if the status already true. But it should run/trigger it if the status is false - worked when I tested it. 

So try it again but make it trigger when the state is true not OnChange otherwise it will run twice.

Image 5051

I've tried, but still no luck, i have the option, retriggerable checked. Am i missing something else?

i think I've got an idea as to why id doesn't work

I've set the trigger set to state=true

but for some reason, the state of the main scene almost never becomes "true".

The buttons on the left are the main scenes, and the one on the right is from the blind that is delayed.

But the venetian blinds do as they please. I can move them from 0-100, and then i can tillt them from 0-100.

but for some reason when i set them to fully closed 100% and tilt 50%, upon the end of the movement i get other results like: 81% and 50% tillt. The blinds are in the correct position, but the actor gives back different feedbacks.

So the primary scene is not True, as it would only be true if the feedback is the same as the settings I've set in the presets.

i think thats why the secondary scene doesn't get triggerd

Image 5052