Hello everyone. The customer has a need to make accounts the number of pulses of the water meter to calculate the consumption by individual. As for the logic, everything is ready and working, but the problem is in the data extraction format, and I have not found a way to store the data in a report, so that it is exported and thus the customer will calculate the consumption of each house. Is this possible? I tried to store the result of the calculation in a Counter Log, but it doesn't work as expected.
I found a similar question, but the response link reports an error.

Wrong ID
Hola buenos días, WrongID indica mi licencia. Corresponde a una licencia gratuita por equipo, ¿por qué sucede esto? Actualizo y continúo con el mismo error. ¿Podrías dar una solución? Gracias

What is necessary for instalation in the building?
What devices are required in order for bOS to for properly in a hotel?

"State" not triggered on RPC request
I have a working IFTTT connection with the RPC link, based on the tutorial.
It works just fine for "Value" ValueNames, but whenever I want to control scenes, nothing happens...
My scene looks like:
And my JSON body looks like:
Other calls like below work just fine...
{"objectName":"Devices\\KNX\\2.status\\status verlichting on/off\\status L004 on/off","valueName":"Value","value":"true"}
What am I missing here?

Registering controller
Hi, i install the 4.6 version of bos config and server, but says license revocked.
I want to register the controller, to use the app, it does not show the button to register the controller. What can ido?

Weather forecast stoped to work
Yesterday the weather forecast stoped to work. Do you have the same problem?

Gate Input Values
Dear Support
im the gate object I tried to create an OR with different days of the week. The problem is that in the object time the days of the week are not visible , why? How can I create an Or of many days of teh week?

Clients logoff emmediately
Suddenly without any change of configuration, all of my clients are logged off emmediately after logging on. It keeps just auto logging on and off without showing the gui. This is on windows, ios and even in just internet explorer.
I had this before a few weeks ago and fixed it with a restore of an earlier backup of the config, but now I'm sure I haven't changed anything. I'm running on the last stable release.
I can offer the config on the server though.is there a logfile I could take a look at?

Enumeration Control with KNX
Please suggest how to use enumeration control in CC Jigsaw.
Like Climate modes (Values: 0-3), Fan speed (Value 1-5), etc.

General\web\weather has stopped to work?
I have used this function to view the yahoo weather prediction of my town for long time, but now has stopped to work and a new configuration may not be done. Can be confirmed the situation?
Customer support service by UserEcho